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1 year ago
Arena Questions

Hello. The Arena is the most fun that we have had with “auto battler”. We just had a few questions!

  1. Is there a database where we can look at all of the different Model abilities? The guide suggests to research, and we have certainly been trying. It would be nice if they were displayed in the shop or something or otherwise on the Arena main page.
  2. Related to the above, can we look at Model statistics anywhere?
  3. When combat is “halted”, how is the victory/loss determined? Does the code run the rest of the battle internally, or does it use some other criteria to determine the winner/loser and how much HP is lost?
  4. It seems that each match has a “seed” of common Models. Is there a way of seeing the possible seeds? How are these determined? It can be frustrating to deal with losing due to exceptionally poor RNG, but that's the name of the genre we suppose.

As a side note, it would be nice to have a “player-only” queue that will continue to seek players past two minutes until ten slots fill up, perhaps with some sort of way of notifying the player when a match is found (such as a sound effect when it starts if we are off-tab)? That way we could continue to enjoy the rest of the site while jumping in for a match. Perhaps this queue could be concurrent with the existing queue, since we imagine that it would take a while to find ten players?

Thank you for your time!


1 year ago
corn farmer
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for 1 and 2, you can look at the “models” (companions?) abilities and stats in the companions tab (found in den)
i can't answer the rest, though. that's all i've got.

(a notification when an arena match is starting would be very nice! there's a lot of times i forget i queued up and come back with a good chunk of health taken off)


this your pack?
1 year ago

@monarch thank you very much! Yes, we used “Models” because the Arena page uses them. Honestly, we wish that they used a different word for it. Much appreciated.

For others curious about how to look at these, go to Den (on the top toolbar) > Companions > check “Show All” > click “Search” and they will all come up!

1 year ago
8 Achievements
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To the remaining questions:

3. As far as I'm aware, the script for the combat battle runs right when combat starts & is decided even before you see the end of the battle.

4. You mean seeing the selection of possible models that you can receive in a certain arena round? If so, there is no way of seeing them right away.

As for your sidenote, that looks like it belongs into the suggestions forums, so please bring it there so it gets seen by the staff members responsible for checking suggestions!

Hope you have fun with more arena rounds!

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