Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
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H: Multiple WWs including double colour and neat ids, W: KS, wolf trades

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I have a couple wolves I'd consider trading for kickstarter items!

One is a double-iris with all colours aligned with a complimentary colour scheme: Link here

I also have a wolf with id 5655; this one is very tentative but I'm open to hearing any offers: Link here

There's also a bunch more wolves open for trades in my Second Den. Wild wolves in my first den are planned keepers, you can make an offer if you want but like no.5655 they'd be tenative at best.

I'm mostly interested in kickstarter items and wolves with cool ids or colour schemes.

Top tier is a bracchus scroll or three-digit; I'll trade any wild wolf except for Mackay and Rakaia for one of these.

Next in interest is ks companions and fun four-digit ids, and after that ks apparel/other. Will also consider multiple wolves if that makes for a more equal trade.

Mostly just throwing this out there to see what shakes out, so feel free to offer whatever, but do be understanding if I don't take an offer outside of what's specified above.

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