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1 year ago
Arena Tips and Tricks

Bots kicking you to the curb? Unsure how to better your Arena skills? You've come to the right place!

Firstly, read the Arena Guide! It explains the base mechanics. I'd also recommend playing at least one round of the game. Don't worry about winning, just familiarize yourself with the flow of the game and the mechanics. It's easier to learn by doing than just by reading.

Now that you've read the guide and hopefully played once or twice, lets get into some nitty gritty strategies!

  • This is mentioned in the Guide, but I'm reiterating it here: Paw Economy is important!
    • Remember that having more Paws means gaining more Paws from interest. The thresholds are 10 Paws for +1, 20 Paws for +2, and 30 Paws for +3.
    • The Paw bar is not your maximum Paws. You can overfill the bar, there's no cap on the number of Paws you can hold at once
    • Playing slow at the start of the game and losing a few rounds can be advantageous. Don't buy refreshes, only use the free refresh after each round. Let your Paw bank fill up to at least 10+ so that you can start accumulating interest. I've had games where I got below 50% health before my team started really coming together and excelling, due to me saving up for increased interest. Sometimes, slow and steady wins the race.
    • If you're on the cusp of an interest threshold, consider waiting to buy anything else till after the round finishes. Especially if you can use the free refresh to your advantage.
    • Winning a round will net you +1 Paws
    • Both losing and winning streaks give you Paws equal to the streak, for a max of +3
    • As the rounds progress, you'll receive more and more Paws per round finish. I don't have the exact number on these yet, but you can depend on your paws increasing steadily
  • EXP seems to be given regardless of victory or defeat. It's okay to lose! The only health points that really matter are the very last ones. A few lost matches won't be your downfall.
  • Synergies!
    • A good Synergy spread can be the difference between winning and losing. Remember, a Synergy segment is practically useless if it isn't unlocking a new Synergy ability. A Synergy spread with no wasted segments (segments not unlocking an ability) is the goal.
    • You can hover over the Synergy ability symbol to see a blurb about what it does! Maybe that's obvious to most, but I didn't realize it at first
    • You'll want to focus on 2-3 specific Synergies, don't spread yourself too thin. Reaching the last ability of at least one Synergy can be incredibly helpful. I usually stick to 2:1 Synergy ratio Models and then use a stray 3 Synergy Model to nudge myself up just enough to hit a couple abilities. 1 Synergy Models can be valuable, but in moderation. I find them less than useful in most situations.
    • imo, no one Synergy is better than another. I've tried many different combinations and I don't think any are bad, as long as you've got them working together well with the Model abilities
  • Team Building!
    • You can hover over the Model ability symbols to see a short blurb about what they do. Each Model has 3 abilities: a Passive, an Auto Attack, and a Special. These can interact in many different ways, so you should absolutely be paying attention and building your team accordingly. Good ability combos are just as important as Synergy!
    • Each match has a different set of Models that everyone is presented with, so you can't really stick to one strategy for every single match. Be prepared to think on your feet and combine Models in ways you haven't considered before. Odds are you won't be able to just create the same team over multiple matches.
    • It's generally best to have defensive Models on the front line, they'll be hit most often and will need to be able to tank hits.
    • Remember that you can sell Models back to the shop for Paws equivalent to their stars (i.e. a 1 star Model gives you 1 Paw, a 2 star Model gives you 2 Paws) so if it's the start of the game and you aren't sure how you want to set up your team, don't be afraid to buy potential Models and then sell them back later if you decide they won't mesh well with the overall build. You're only losing Paws if you do this after increasing their star level, otherwise you lose nothing.

If you've got more tips to share or questions about how something works, feel free to post them below!

1 year ago

This could just be coincidental, but I feel like I do better in the arena with a defensive and an attack centered synergy on the front lines. I typically use creatures with ⅔ in their respective fields.

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