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1 year ago

Hello, @Liu and @Wisteria

I just wanted to let you two know, since it would concern your wolves who are both named Mo.

I submitted a thread to the questions subforum to ask about what the site's stance on these wolves will be, and whether or not we will be (hopefully) allowed to keep them and their names.

A site moderator has informed me that we should hold off on trading or selling these wolves (though I believe neither of us, first two at least, actually planned on doing so anyway, since Mo and Jo are both very special to us, I think) whilst they speak to the Dev Team about them.

It was mentioned that there is a possibility that their names may be changed or that keeping/profiting off of the wolf could possibly be disallowed.

However, we have not heard back yet from the Dev Team, so hopefully everything can remain the same. If you would like to take a look at the thread to stay up to date on the issue then feel free to follow the link provided above.

Sorry for remaining largely silent in this discussion until now! I am very excited about Mo, Mo and Jo as well, but I wanted to be sure that we would be allowed to keep them.

1 year ago

@Lyu I've read your thread. It's well-written and thought out, so I'm glad you were the one to post it! Lai had good insight too in addition. Overall an excellent thread! =D

I have no intention of selling Mo as I never got the chance to have a 2L on FR, nor would I have dared to dream of getting a 4-digit WW with a 2-letter name! He's absolutely irreplaceable to me. I would hate to lose his name, but if the devs do decide to change this, I would understand.

It is curious that these glitches have only happened on the names ‘Mo’ and ‘Jo’ - it makes me wonder what the intended names were supposed to be. I'm also curious if there is perhaps a ‘Po’ or ‘Zo’ that is possibly out there.

1 year ago

@Liu I feel absolutely the same about Jo! I was already decided on keeping her before I knew her name was a glitch, as she was my first WW.

I would definitely be very sad if Jo's name was changed, I don't know what I would change it to, since it's what I see her as when I look at her now.

I honestly would love to see 2L or even 1L names allowed here anyway. It would fix the glitch in the most appropriate way, I think, since those who already have them get to keep them. And then everyone can have a Mo or a Jo if they want (and the existing 2L wolves would be able to have pronouns as well)

Seeing as we have only so far seen two Mo's and one Jo, I wonder if Mo and Jo were the only 2L names that incidentally got left in the generator.

I cannot ignore it any longer. The fact that three of us involved in this discussion have 3L ‘L’ names is so amusing. I have to double take every time to check which person I am tagging.

The moderator on that thread has been incredibly helpful, and I really appreciate it. (In case they see this, thank you for your patience, clarity and understanding <3)

1 year ago
The Lurking
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I've made a thread for selling a couple of my WWs and someone was interested in Mo, but I've also been tentative on selling since it's both hard to calculate value, and well, stuff like this lol x) I'll be notifying them of what the devs have said, but I do also hope that I'd be allowed to keep the name (oh no I'm getting attached >.<)

A friend of mine actually also has found another 2L 4D WW, one named Ro! Seems like they're all something-o names lol.

1 year ago
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I purchased this baby for their colors, but they came with a 2L name so I got curious, did some searching and found this thread! Looks like she's the only one with an -i name we've found so far: Vi!

1 year ago
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1 year ago

@Sucrose @Vendrus Oh wow!! Vi is so pretty! That's the second Vi I've seen so far. Ty is the first I've seen come up so far! Wow, so there's a lot more than originally suspected. I think this brings up the total to about 8 so far. Hopefully, there are other combos out there!

Also fun fact, the name 'Summer' on a WW is spelled ‘Sumner’ =D

1 year ago
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@Liu @Lyu @LouckyKoneko @Wisteria @RallraxAuri @NobleLycan @Cairn @Lai @SovereignFives @Sucrose @Vendrus I'd like to say that the devs got back to me after a meeting. The next prod push will allow users to rename their wolves down to 2L. Thanks for your patience!


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1 year ago
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oh nice!


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1 year ago
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what an amazing development! I'm happy to hear this ^^


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