Adding the fact that I also hate using discord - particularly on busy servers - since it makes me extremely anxious.
I also noticed that the lack of news/updates, specifically on the home page was weird. On FR, major items updates go on the homepage as well as more minor site status updates. The newest updates are immediately visible on FR - I looked at LW's page and spotted a pre 1.1.1 patch news update BENEATH the full launch countdown. We don't need the countdown anymore, so why is it on the top?
The header bar seems like a good idea to get everyone playing to read about something new but you can't really use it for every occasion, just small ones.
I think it's best if we get one major news update saying there will be radio silence or minimal communication for x period whilst they work on various things the site needs. Clarity on the lack of clarity would be nice, and still allows for lots of free time to be put into the work needed on the site (rather than trying pile on more work to avoid hiring a community manager if money is tight). Maybe this is naive of me to think. I have no idea if one post would actually fix everything. But that's better than the not quite nothing, but totally slap-dash and messy situation concerning the state of the information on the site now.
This is my first ever launch but even I know the totally unchanged sticky post on the off-site trade forum is extremely strange. Surely at least the information on the site should be up-to-date on launch day? The lenth of the delay seemed like it was too short to be effective since all the info from early access is just there. That will be confusing and offputting to new players!
We all want Lorwolf to succeed and I agree that the lack of updates from EA is worrying in combination with poor communication on a basic level. I'm still really enjoying playing (it's all so so much fun and so exciting!) but at the end of the day Lorwolf is supposed to entice and engage a customer base and these two things are going to prevent new people from engaging with the site because they will feel totally lost and out of place. That's awful! More players benefits the rest of the userbase too!