Heya! I was wondering; would you ever consider making a CA for more fluff/fur public? Similar to werewolf but without the markings/with different markings/maybe with some small braids or smtg!
If not, how much would something like that be as a custom? I wanna recreate one of my ocs but his hair is very fluffy and long orz
Good news! Antlers, Sparkle Wings, Light Wraps and Gentlewoof Top Hat got accepted and are in the shop!:)
As thread is getting more busy with all the examples and pictures I made a spreadsheet database for easier viewing and some more bigger previews. As I will probably clean first post a bit at some point that would be a place to browse it all... Thank you everyone!
@Muunokhoi Hey! I would but those are slightly troublesome as every wolf have different colors right! It would be tricky to decide what it could be unless is generic black or white. So I rather would do a custom for a specific wolf or a public one based on your wolf if that makes sense?
You can send me a DM with your idea! And price would depend on how much of the floof and accessories but prices start around 200ms for customs!