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1 year ago
A Couple of Qs - Wolf Level + Mining Wolf Change

Hey there!
I just have a couple of questions about the game, so I'll try to keep them contained here;

- Does level affect anything? None of my wolves' stats have gone up despite being levels 4 and 5, so I'm not… 100% sure what it does?

- Is there a way to change which wolf is active with mining? With most of the activities, either the team gets reset or there's a way to edit the party in it's entirety. This is not the case with mining, as far as I can tell.


1 year ago

Leveling makes them stronger both in terms of how much damage they can do to enemies and how much they can withstand. There are no stats to add to, it is automatic. You can definitely tell a difference if you go back to lower levels and fight enemies, you'll kill them faster.

For mining go to where you can change wolves and on your current mining wolf's into box there should be a little X in the top right corner for you to remove them if their cool down is over. Then you can add whatever wolf you want.

1 year ago


Thank you so much! I just assumed the actual numbers in the wolf's bio would change upon level up – just some indication, y'know?

Super helpful though, much appreciated!

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