Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 year ago
The Powerful
298 Achievements
General Rank 5
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 3
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 4
Deepmanor Crafts (Crafting Service

On the outskirts of the Murkwood Swamps, there resides what seems to be a curious little makeshift stall, hidden under a copse of looming trees and a patch of thick brush that seem to be covering something up. Within the cover of trees stands a silhouette, but around this figure are the clear tools of a craftsman. The message is clear without words.

If you have the resources, this wolf can make tools. Though ever a businesswolf, the silhouette seems all too happy to trade for more conventional currency for their wares.

Hello there! I am opening up a little crafts service, where you send me the resources for a certain recipe and I craft them for you! All of my available recipes and their ingredients are listed below. I generally have the mining tools in stock to buy outright as well. Feel free to send me the materials with the items you'd like crafted.

As a full list of all the recipes I have:

Helm (5 Bone Paste, 10 Copper Bars, 2 Leather Strips)
Nose Ring (1 Bone Paste, 1 Copper Bar)
Eyebrow Piercing (1 Bone Paste, 1 Copper Bar)
Penny Earring (1 Bone Paste, 1 Copper Bar)
Spaulders (5 Bone Paste, 8 Copper Bars, 6 Leather Strips)
Backplate (5 Bone Paste, 12 Copper Bars, 8 Leather Strips)
Sword (5 Bone Paste, 9 Copper Bars, 3 Leather Strips)

Pickaxe (5 Bone Paste, 2 Iron Bars, 1 Sturdy Stick
Wheel (5 Bone Paste, 3 Iron Bars)
Ear Piercing (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Eyebrow Piercing (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Bar Piercing (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Penny Earring (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Cuff Earring (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Nose Ring (2 Bone Paste, 1 Iron Bar)
Spaulders (10 Bone Paste, 8 Iron Bars, 6 Leather Strips)
Greaves (10 Bone Paste, 4 Iron Bars, 8 Leather Strips)
Sword (10 Bone Paste, 9 Iron Bars, 3 Leather Strips)

Eyebrow Piercing (3 Bone Paste, 1 Silver Bar)
Pickaxe (10 Bone Paste, 2 Silver Bars, 1 Sturdy Stick)
Wheel (10 Bone Paste, 3 Silver Bars)

Pickaxe (15 Bone Paste, 2 Mithril Bars, 1 Sturdy Stick)
Nose Ring (4 Bone Paste, 1 Mithril Bar)
Greaves (20 Bone Paste, 4 Mithril Bars, 8 Leather Strips)

Linen Leg Wraps (20 Plain String, 10 Linen Scraps)
White Scarf (10 Plain String, 5 White Yarn)
Brown Scarf (10 Plain String, 5 Brown Yarn)
Red Scarf (10 Plain String, 5 Red Yarn)
Red Yarn (5 Cotton, 1 Red Dye)
Yellow Scarf (10 Plain String, 5 Yellow Yarn)
Teal Yarn (5 Cotton, 1 Teal Dye)
Leather Strips (4 Raw Leather)

1 year ago
The Baker
281 Achievements
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 4
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 3

Hello! I’d like to ask if you could please craft me 5 silver pickaxes, I believe that works out at 50 bone paste, 10 silver bars and 5 sticks, I’ll send the stuff over shortly, thank you! :)

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