No worries - I have gotten quite a few more WW (I'm up to.. 12? save me) if you wanted to take a look in my den, including some really lovely ones, and I'd be happy to trade multiple. Of course, no worries if they don't interest you!
@fiain - Oh, you have a lot! I'll definitely consider then, and since I'm taking offers for a while longer, if you get any others please feel free to let me know! I'd love any double (or more) 4s in an ID, so if you catch any…I'm interested haha!
Shdhhd sorry, I think I might’ve been half asleep! I would be interested in apparel or FR gems for any pup ^^ can I put out a tentative secondary offer on the scroll of a pick from the first litter of my progens and this Guy? I don’t know if he’s what you’re looking for but I wanted to put him forward.
I have this WW: and am more than happy to give you free range to pick one (or multiple) of my progen's first litter. Also willing to suppliment with Moonstones. All I'm looking for is a single bracchus scroll.
Since you asked - I did just catch two others (almost back to back, it was weird!), but I'm not super impressed with their colors. We're almost to the double 4 range!