Based off of Luxio #216's FR Color Calculator and adapted with permission, we introduce the Lorwolf Colour Calculator.
The colour calculator lets you input any colour hex code and gives you the three closest colours available on Lorwolf. Simply input your hex code on the box labelled “hex input”, and the colours will autopopulate. Give it a second for the script to run!
How do I use this? You can edit using the above sheet, but if you want to make your own copy (if multiple people are using it), go to “File > Make a copy”.
How do I compare my target colour to the Lorwolf colours? When you enter the hex code (make sure to include the “#” at the start!), the box should automatically change to the colour that you entered so that you can more easily compare them to the Lorwolf colours. The sheet has space for calculating six colours at the same time.
How do I get a hex code? You can colour pick colours using most image editing tools, even the default MS Paint. Websites such as imagecolorpicker also allow you to upload pictures and generate hex codes from them!
How does the sheet calculate colours? The sheet calculates using the smallest Euclidean distance between the colours in RGB space. It is not always accurate due to differences in human perception of colour.
Hey, I found an error! Please note that we manually input the names and colour codes from the official colour wheel. If you spot any mistakes, please let us know! The official colour wheel has a mistake in it (Clover is marked as #57012 but is actually #057012 based on eye dropper tool), so do notify us and we will correct it as soon as we can. Let us know if you have any suggestions for this tool or others as well.