@Dawn @Phoenix
Pinging you two because you expressed interest in Eos. I got a private offer that I really liked, so Eos has been called for. Thank you for your offers though! <3 If you'd like, I can put you on pings for a clone of Eos if one comes up?
@Teamfailboat @lissajo @Xeiana @Fai @Roo
Hello! Pinging you guys because you had interest in Aurora. I've decided that Aurora will be auctioned due to the sheer amount of interest. It's a bit overwhelming to decide on any one offer since there are so many… so please let me know if you would like a ping for the auction once it is set up! In the auction I will be accepting more than just moonstones (just so you know): WWs at a value agreed upon by both parties and, potentially, G2 Bracchus pups that I like also agreed upon by both parties.
I'll be setting up the auction in a couple days or less. Thank you for your patience and offers!