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1 year ago


I was inspired by actual dog breeds for my designs! Australian shepherds are probably my favorite breed so of course I had to make a wolf based on one. My grandparents used to have a bernese mountain dog who I have fond memories of so that’s the breed I tried to base my second design on!

1 year ago
The Lurking
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I wanted to create two wolves based on my childhood dogs.

First Dog I recreated was named Marlow, she was a very large black and white dog, who I feel looked very similar to the Lupins. If Lupins were real I 100% believe she would have been one.

Second dog was named Lady. She had a very short stature, which is why I went with the Kit. Unfortunately I couldn't find markings that matched up perfectly with her, but I feel the colors are a perfect representation of what she looked like.


1 year ago
The Lurking
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Didn't really know what theme to go with, but I ended up doing cats lol. Some of the baby wolves are a lil feline-esque, and the way the baby lupin sat reminded me of my own kitty! The cheek fluff is also very much something my cat has lol. If I were able to make the grey bits pink, it would be an even better match!

Orange Cat Baby Lupin

Unfortunately, I do not have two cats (my kitty is a v new addition), so I've made a friend's cats instead! They have two Russian Blues who are also very cute! Since I wanted a bit of variety and their cats are a bit more slim (my cat is v fluffy) I made this one a Zerda instead.


Here are my reference cat pics! I'd put them under a spoiler but apparently, that does not exist in Lorwolf World so here are links instead:

my kitty! (orange):

friend's cat (russian blue):

1 year ago
The Merchant
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Please feast your eyes upon the taco bell doggies. First one is their logo. The second one is a baja blast freeze :)

I tried to make a taco but.. that did NOT look very nice. LOL



⋆⁺₊⋆ к υ я σ м ι ⋆⁺₊⋆


1 year ago
The Exhausted
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Spur of the moment entry, made a pair based off peafowl! I'm glad matchy wasn't required or my theme wouldn't have worked.

Chose Bracchus because they seemed to have the right vibe, especially with the female's pose.


As the stars appear, I know I'll find you staring at the sky
Pointlessly reaching for some light you hope to guide your sorry way

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1 year ago

@Tisquares The theme I decided on are foxes, because of my username. The first one is entirely inspired by my username, so it’s a demonic fox. I went with the Kit breed because I think it resembles a red fox most. For the second one I dec to go with a fennec fox. For this design I used the Zerda breed, as they resemble this type of fox the most.

1 year ago

Fun idea! I would like to enter.

Theme I chose is dragonfruit! Dragonfruit is one of my favorite flavors. I think they're super beautiful and underrated. I picked this as my theme because I had an incredible drink flavored with it a few days ago and I'm craving it right now, lol, and because I really enjoy very vibrantly colored wolves.

The male is based on the fruit its self, and the female is more inspired by the interior of the fruit. They're both volmyr simply because my partner has a plushie of a bat that's dragonfruit themed so I associate bats with them.

and here's a pic of a dragonfruit for reference!

1 year ago
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Ive made my progen wolves a lovely dark woodsy theme! Appropriately named Forest and Field. Im just big on nature aesthetics and wanted them to be my forest spirit wolves. They even each have little poems based on nature, wind, and its music that I love <3
GL to all those that entered! Im just sharing mine for fun and everyone here has some beautiful and creative pairings! <3

1 year ago
The Curious
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i wanted to design a pair based on different types of glass. i just like glass and figured it would be a fun challenge!

the first one is just, normal glass, but particularly frosted glass. i love the way it looks and i have a lot of memories of drawing stuff on frosted glass as a kid!

and then for the female, i decided to do stained glass. stained glass with a limited color pallet, like a lot of them you see depicting birds.


1 year ago

My pairs based on one of my favourite kinds of birds - Corvids! Specifically, two of the ones I see being mentioned significantly less than their more emo cousins [lol]


This first one's a Magpie! Mischievous little birds, who I figured would fit a Kit perfectly. They're also my favorite kind of bird short of Pigeons and Doves, who I adore!


And the second one's a Bluejay! I see them outside my house all the time, but every time I tell one of my friends they're a corvid they seem surprised. I figured Bracchus would make the most sense, since they're pretty stocky birds for how small they are - and because that's the pose I almost always see them strike before landing lol. Silly little fellas


Still Waters Run Deep

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