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Custom Apparel Guide

Custom Guide Index

You can find these sections by using ctrl + F or any other page search function:

  • 1.1 Submitting Your Custom Apparel Item
  • 1.2 Artwork and File Rules In Detail
  • 1.3 Content Rules In Detail
  • 1.4 Tag Rules In Detail

1.1 Submitting Your Custom Apparel Item

So you’ve completed creating your Custom Apparel. Congratulations! This guide will walk you through submitting your Custom Apparel to the site.

First, you’ll need a Custom Apparel Token (CAT, for short). You can find CATs at Marvin’s Mole Market under Misc Specialty Section.

Clicking on the token will bring up the purchasing option. Custom Apparel Tokens cost 100 moonstones (Site Premium Currency). You can buy up to ten Custom Apparel Tokens every reset.

Once you have purchased your CAT, you can use it on the Custom Apparel page, which can be found under the Shops tab.

You will see three major sections of the Custom Apparel shop.

Section 1 contains all current custom apparel available in stock. The results can be narrowed down by using the search filters and tags (Section 3).

To submit your Custom Apparel, we will focus on Section 2. By clicking the Submit a Design button, you will be taken to another page.

Here you will see various sections on the Submission Page. This guide will break each section down in depth.

Section 1: Item Details

Here you can name and describe your design! On the right, you can write down your item’s name and description. Underneath, you choose whether your item will be purchasable for moonstones or pebbles. Don't worry. You can edit the pricing later under Managing Designs if you change your mind later.

On the left, you can choose what tags your design will have. This will help potential buyers find your item by using the search filter from before.

Section 2: Rules

This brings us to Section 2. The following rules are explained in detail in these sections. You can find them by using ctrl + F or any other page search function:

1.2 Artwork and File Rules In Detail

1.3 Content Rules In Detail

1.4 Tag Rules In Detail

Section 3: Item Quantity & Icon

Once you are done with your design’s descriptions and tags, you will decide on the distribution of your Custom Apparel and upload an Item Icon.

Each token allows you to produce five copies. You can choose whether you keep any copies for yourself, any remaining copies will be sold on the Custom Apparel Shop.

After deciding how many and where your items are being sent to, you can download the Icon .png and .psd files to create your Custom Apparel icon.

After creating your icon, you can upload a 200x200 .png by clicking the box and choosing your png from the files.

Locate your Icon in your files. Once uploaded you will see your icon in the rectangle.

The covers the Item Quantity and Icon section.

Section 4: Apparel Image Upload

Now, it's time to add your Custom Apparel files. By clicking the Breed and the Sex that your Custom Apparel is for, you can add that pose by pressing the Add Design button.

A Male Lupin has appeared!

But you’re not limited to one Breed or Sex per submission. You can add as many breeds and sexes as your Custom Apparel has been designed for!

Adding all the Breeds and Sexes will look something like this.

Next is adding your Item files to the poses. By clicking on a single Lorwolf, you will be brought to your devices File Manager and can locate where you saved your Custom Apparel. Choose the .png you’ve created for that breed and sex and upload it.

Let’s go and upload them one by one, and… oh! I’ve made a mistake. My crystals are circling the rear of my Male Lupin.

I must’ve selected the wrong file. But no worries, you can easily click on the Lorwolf again and replace the image with the correct file.

There! No more rear-hovering crystals. :)

If you’ve added too many wolves, you can remove them by clicking the X under the Unsaved red button.

Section 5: Save or Submit

To Save or Submit, that is the question. If you feel you’re not ready, still have more Breeds to add or are waiting for pre-orders to fill, you can save your submission as a draft.

To view your draft, return to the Custom Apparel page and click Manage Designs.

Here you will see your saved designs, which you can view and edit at any time before submission. Be careful; once you submit your design, you cannot change or edit your submission until a staff member reviews it.

Once you are happy with your Custom Apparel submission, click the Submit Design button.

Here the cost of 1 Custom Apparel Token is taken. If your design is rejected, the cost will be refunded and you will receive your Custom Apparel Token back.

Click the confirm button if you are sure you want to go ahead. This will send off your Custom Apparel to be reviewed by the Custom Apparel Support Team. Depending on the submission queue, this can take up to 10 - 15 business days to be approved. If your item is taking longer than usual, you can request an update on your item on the Custom Apparel Support Thread.

You can check on your submission by going to the Manage Designs page.

Once your design has been reviewed, you will receive a message about the outcome in your Inbox.

Approved: Your apparel item has passed the checks and is available to claim or is already being sold in the Custom Apparel shop.

Rework: Your design is almost there! There might’ve been a spelling error, a png mistake or a tweak that may be needed to approve it.

Returning to the Manage Designs page, you can view your design and the staff’s comments and then make the edits necessary for your creation to be passed. Once you are done editing, click Submit Design and you’re back in the submission queue. Good luck with being approved!

Rejected: Unfortunately, your design may not have followed the rules and guidelines. The staff member will usually comment on why your design was rejected. Follow the suggestions or re-read the rules so that your future Custom Apparel has a higher chance of your item being approved. Your token will be refunded.

And that wraps up Custom Apparel Submissions.

Happy Creating Lorfolk!


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago
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1.2 Artwork and Files Rules

These rules are ever-evolving and subject to change. Items that break these rules may be removed or edited even after approval. All Submissions must abide by the following rules:

Correct File Size

Files must be submitted in the correct format: PNG, 3000x2400 pixels for designs, PNG, 200x200 pixels for item template.

Large Edits Between Poses Are Not Allowed

Designs must be similar between poses with only minor edits and in line with the item in the icon.

Accepted Examples

  • Small stickers on an article of clothing to vary between poses
  • Items appearing larger or smaller between breeds and their canon sizes
  • Creatures appearing larger or smaller between breeds and their canon sizes

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Pose A has blue flowers, Pose B has red flowers
  • Pose A has a mohawk, Pose B has long locks
  • Pose A has a smoothie, Pose B has fries
  • Pose A has a onesie, Pose B has leggings
  • Pose A has a tank top, Pose B has crop top
  • Pose A has a daylight background, Pose B has a nightime background

Shadows On Top Of Skins/Markings

Designs will be placed on top of the base art. If you wish to create a “skin” for the base art, you can place the shadow layer above the artwork and apply a clipping mask.

uploaded image

No More Than…

Artwork may not cover more than 80% of the wolf base and must not extend outside of the canvas space.

  • Backgrounds may cover 100% of the canvas now with the wolf silhouette removed.
  • Foreground items must not cover over 20% of the background and 20% of the wolf combined.

Altering Base Art

Submissions may not alter the base art in any way. This includes altering the base lineart or shadows.

Accepted Examples:

  • Glow/Overlay/Lighting effect on top of wolf if relevant to the item/effect submitted. Example; Cyberpunk RGB glowing effect to create a holographic wolf, glowing fire effect with a campfire.
  • Anatomy items on top of the wolf, such as wings, extra legs, beaks and heads.

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Recolouring or editing the Shadows layer
  • Shading in such a way as to negate the Shadows layer on Base layer.
  • Recolouring entire Lineart layer to replace wolf original wolf lineart or colouring the Lineart layer that's irrelevant to CA submission, example; recolouring entire lineart brown with a cream cardigan item.


CA item icons. Wolves must be solid Grey, Black or White in the icon. Items must not touch the end of the transparent border, items are allowed to slightly overhang outside the pink background.

The above icon would be accepted, because it:

  • Doesn't touch the end of the transparent canvas
  • Shows a relevant item image
  • Does not cover the pink paintbrush icon
  • Is transparent
  • Is a PNG
  • Only has slight item overhang with nose and ear
  • Back of wolf clips correctly to the pink background with no gaps or stray pixels

This icon would be sent back for rework, because it is:

  • Touching the transparent end of the canvas
  • Has a white border
  • Using a non-solid coloured wolf base.

Must Be Digital

Artwork must be created digitally. Scanned files of traditional media (colored pencils, paint, etc.) are not allowed.

Text Must Have English Translation

Designs that include non-English characters should be submitted with a translation added to the description.

No Photos/Edited Photos

Photos, photo manipulations, and clipart are not allowed.

No More Than 50% Pure Black

Artwork should not contain more than 50% #0000

No Copyrighted Material

Copyrighted material or references to such is not allowed. Tracing over imagery that is not owned by you is not allowed. Submitting copyrighted material will now incur a penalty upon the submissioner's account as well as the item being removed/edited. This is to protect Lorwolf from liability, so support us by not submitting these types of items. Thank you.

Accepted Examples:

  • Significantly changed or loosely inspired CA
  • Original designs
  • Incorporating multiple sources/references to create something new. For example, you can mix elements from different artworks, use different styles or techniques, or incorporate your own personal touches. Such as finding a purse shape you like, the stitching technique from a table cloth, the colour scheme of a pastel milk box all with edits and adding your own style to make it unique and fitting to your new item.

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Fan apparel of copyrighted characters and other media
  • Directly copying from other artists or other games
  • Items split up deliberately to avoid detection of copyrighted material
  • Real world copyrighted items
  • Logos/Brands

Official Game Apparel

Artwork may not copy or closely resemble any official game apparel. CA submissions may be declined if Official Items are already planned or created for a future patch.

Accepted Examples:

  • Loosely inspired or significantly edited Official Game Apparel. Such as Bone Armour, the loosely inspired CA features raven bones, ribbons and feathers as decoration with different colouration.
  • Items inspired by lore, companions, spiritwolves and NPCs

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Recolouring Official Game Apparel
  • Creating a skin for Official Game Apparel
  • Copying NPC patterns, items and apparel

Do Not Abuse The Files

Do not repost the psd files or use them for any purpose other than customs.

Do Not Extend Outside BG

Item templates must include a portion of the submitted design and may not extend outside of the background square.

No AI art

Artwork must be created by you. Use of AI or any other image generation software is not allowed. Items discovered to be AI art, the Custom Apparel will be removed/edited and account penalities may apply.

Item Descriptions

Descriptions should be on topic and relevant to the specific item. Descriptions should be in full sentences, with correct grammar and punctuation. Please do not use brackets, semicolons, dashes, hashtags, slashes and other misc symbols.

Users may not include anything in the description for branding purposes, such as user IDs and commission information. Referencing "sets" (for example: "set 1/3") is not allowed.

Items should have unique names per Custom Apparel Artist.

Accepted Examples:

  • Blue Flower Crown
  • Items may share similar names, but not identical, such as Floral Whispers, Floral Secrets, Floral Charm.
  • CA item descriptions should be able to fit in with Official Lorwolf Item descriptions.

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Flower Crown - Purple, Murky Hallows 1/3, Sandwich Hat 1.5, Worm Lashes ver. 2, [Updated!] Lynx's Lament, Snail Jelly Custom, Luana's Cry Commission
  • [User's] Spear
  • [Artist] Summer Thoughts
  • Item Name and Item Descriptions being identical

1.3 Content Rules in Detail

All submissions must adhere to site TOS. These rules are ever-evolving and subject to change. Items that break these rules may be removed even after approval.

Extreme Gore/Violence

Artwork may not be overly gory or violent in nature. This includes but is not limited to: actively flowing blood from wounds, exposed internal tissue, “zombified” decay of tissue, or anything else that depicts active suffering. Healed scars or injuries are allowed. Blood that has dried is allowed.

Accepted Examples:

  • Exposed internal abstract tissue such as sunsets, a graveyard, ponds, boba milk tea.
  • Clean bones within a supernatural or abstract effect, such as water or glass

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Candified, bright coloured internal tissue
  • Slime, translucents or objects exposing internal organs or digested materials

Extreme Body Horror

Extreme depictions of body horror, like those that provoke intense feelings of physical/psychological disgust or anxiety, are not allowed. Examples include uncontrolled physical afflictions that negatively affect the body such as mutation, disease, parasitic invasion, mutilation, or other physical distortions. Mild body mutations are allowed, such as multiple tails, teeth, horns, or eyes.

Accepted Examples:

  • Healed amputation
  • Mild distortions of body parts detached by magic effects with no exposed internal tissue, such as ghostly fog magic or water to cover neck and stomach

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Dog breed amputation such as docked ears or tail
  • Extreme infestations of plants and roots
  • Pustles, Pus, active signs of infection

Triggering/Overwhelming Imagery

Artwork should not heavily use repeating patterns such as those from texture brushes. Themes should reflect the simplistic style of Lorwolf’s base art.

Accepted Examples:

  • Simple usermade floral patterns
  • Basic geometry shaped patterns

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Optical Illusions
  • Hyperrealistic textures
  • Numerous layered textures or patterns

Modern Weaponry

Hand-to-hand weapons such as knives, spears, and swords are allowed. Ranged weapons like bolas, bow and arrows, and slingshots are allowed. Siege weaponry like catapults and rams are allowed. Firearms, artillery, and explosives are not allowed. Futuristic or modern weaponry like laser guns or flamethrowers are not allowed.

Religious or Politics

References to religious or political iconography is not allowed. We hope to make Lorwolf as inclusive as possible by avoiding divisive topics.

Accepted Examples:

  • Halo, Wings
  • Mythological creatures
  • Magic and alchemy

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Biblically accurate angels
  • Rosaries, crosses, menorah, star of david, shinto torii and other religious symbols of worship
  • Reference to religious figures or politicians
  • References to elections or political views


Plain text that is not part of an item will not be allowed. Any Non-English language must include a translation in the item description.

Accepted Examples:

  • Floating magic runes
  • Signs, like a tavern sign, signposts
  • Maps, Books, Scrolls

Not Allowed Examples:

  • Floating text, for example meme texts such as: My Face When No Wild Wolves Like Me.
  • Text in speech bubbles/thought bubbles
  • Cartoon/comic effects like WHAM!, BOOM!, BANG!, this includes non-english texts.

No Confinement

Artwork may not contain aspects of imprisonment or confinement, such as muzzles or cages.

Adult Themes

Anything depicting substance abuse from drugs or alcohol is not allowed. Suggestive or sexual content such as underwear or lingerie is not allowed. Submissions based on or referencing adult themes or otherwise upsetting or offensive content are strictly forbidden.


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago
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1.4 Tag Rules In Detail

When in doubt with tags, a general rule of thumb is apply all you think could apply to your item. The worst outcome is your item just gets sent back for a few to be removed.


For submissions featuring any form of extra objects held or worn by the wolf, such as backpacks, chains, and jewelry. They tend be useful or decorative items.

Accepted Examples:

  • Shields and weapons
  • Hats, Hairbands, Crowns
  • Scarfs, Ribbons, Cravats
  • A food or drink that is held or worn by the wolf
  • Small electronics, such as phone, headset, a held laptop
  • Makeup objects

Not An Accessory:

  • Large articles of clothings, such as a jacket or tied skirt.
  • An item that touches the floor or floats around the background
  • Food or drink on the floor or floating
  • Floating magical items, weather effects, items on the floor
  • Large electrical appliances, such as a washing machine, or oven.
  • Makeup on face


For submissions modifying the shape or anatomy of the wolf in any way, such as extra parts (like horns or tails), eye types, and altering expressions.

Accepted Examples:

  • Wings, including head-wings
  • Ghostly/floating/shadow body parts that are not a separate entity
  • Tears, tongue sticking out, eyebrows
  • Healed amputation of limbs
  • Medical equipment that replaces a body part, such as prosthetic legs
  • Scales, scars, carapace
  • Magically altered parts, such as stony porcupine spines, slime tail or mossy fur

Not Anatomy:

  • Ghost/Shadow creatures/separate entities
  • Medical aids such as crutches, wheelchairs.
  • Prosthetic items on the floor or otherwise detached from the wolf
  • Makeup


For submissions that include apparel like work clothes, armor, and hats. Clothing not worn by the wolf should not receive this tag, such a basket of laundry, or clothing on the floor.

Accepted Examples:

  • Clothing made of vegetation, such as vine capes, flower skirts
  • Clothing made from magical properties, such as ice, flames, light, shadows
  • Clothing made of metal, like chainmail, robotic suit, armor
  • Clothing made from carapace, other animal hide

Not Clothing:

  • Shields or Weapons
  • Halos
  • Floating objects, such as beads, flying capes or in the transformation of dressing the wolf (magical girl style)
  • Small accessories, like jewellery, electronics, plasters, makeup, flower crowns
  • Decorated antlers


For submissions that include living, ghostly, or robotic creatures on or around the wolf, such as swarms of insects, dog buddies, and alien creatures. Please note: creatures with humanoid features are not allowed, such as orcs, humans, human-like fairies, goblins or mothman.

Accepted Examples:

  • Backgrounds with creatures in them
  • Bipedal animals/creatures (must have animal/creature anatomy, not a human's) such as a cat on its hindlegs, or a gentleman badger.

Not A Creature:

  • Inanimate animal toys, such as rubber duckies, teddy bears and dolls
  • Inanimate skeletal remains
  • Food or drinks in the shape of creatures/animals
  • Statues/symbols of creatures/animals


For submissions altering the fur/texture of the wolf in any way, such as tattoos, paint splatter, scars, and fake patterns.

Accepted Examples:

  • Glowing runes or magical text
  • Makeup
  • Warpaint

Not Markings:

  • Makeup Object
  • Backgrounds clipped to wolf base layer, such as graveyards, ocean floors, shopping centres


For submissions depicting items from more advanced ages, such as cyberpunk clothing or cellphones. Anything created in 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st Century would class as modern.

Accepted Examples:

  • Steam Engines
  • Telephones, TVs
  • Alien items, such as food, technology, plants etc
  • Cyber or Futuristic items, such as holograms, robots, bionics

Not Modern:

  • Medieval items
  • Alchemy


For submissions containing objects placed on or near the wolf, such as toys or clothing on the ground, celestial objects, or weather effects.

Accepted Examples:

  • Rain, Snow, Sun Rays, Tornadoes, Clouds, other weather effects
  • Terrain items, such as logs, rocks, snow mounds, puddles
  • Food items, floating or on the ground
  • Halo
  • Planets, Moon
  • Furniture, such as tree swings, couches, tables
  • Large Electronics, such as servers, computers

Not An Object

  • Clothing worn by the wolf
  • Sky, Atmosphere
  • Terrain or Flooring


For submissions directly referencing the official Lorwolf lore, such as clothing with pack symbolism or designs based on the Spiritwolves or NPCs.

Accepted Examples:

  • Marvin's whiskers, Miss Mac's crafting table
  • Companion based items, such as Pandosa's Frying Pan, Torcine's Battle Token
  • Luana's Throne, Icerun Watchtower

Not Packs:

  • Personal Lore


For submissions featuring plants of any kind, such as complex forest backgrounds, houseplant decor, and flower crowns. Vegetation can be floating, as a background, on the ground or worn by the wolf.

Accepted Examples:

  • Fantasy plants
  • Alien plants
  • Plants made from elements or magic
  • Creatures made of or wearing vegetation
  • Background hedges, topiaries, wreaths
  • Dried herbs, dead vegetation
  • Fruits, berries, vegetables

Not Vegetation:

  • Floral patterns
  • Food, such as salad, fruit skewers, apple pie
  • Processed vegetation, like paper, tea leaves, cotton, bags of flour


For submissions depicting weapons both on and around the wolf. Any futuristic or modern weapons are not allowed.

Accepted Examples:

  • Scimtars, swords, knives, throwing stars
  • Batons, staves, wands, staff
  • Tridents, Scythes, Katar
  • Sheathes, Shields
  • Toy or Gag weapons, such as inflatable sword, balloon trident

Not Weaponry:

  • Oversized gag non-weapon items, such as a spoon
  • Armour
  • Profession tools, such as rakes, pickaxes, plows


For submissions covering more than 40% of the base art or wolf canvas. Even if items are spread out over a wolf or canvas.


For submissions covering less than 10% of the base art or wolf canvas. Small items scatter over or around the wolf do not class small, such as fireflies background creatures or rain drops.


For submissions that wouldn’t fit into any of the categories above.

Accepted Examples:

  • Backgrounds that feature none of the above tags
  • Flooring/Terrain, such as ballroom flooring, tundras, desert
  • Sky, Space, Other Atmosphere
  • Gag effects like thought bubbles or cartoony effects

ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago
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Custom Apparel Checklist

Does your submission have the following:

  • A pink item icon?
  • Correct punctuation? Capital letters, periods, commas, exclamation or question marks are the most common rework requests.
  • Correct tags. (If you're unsure, you can ask in the Custom Apparel Support Thread)
  • Do you have all intended wolves added?

Make sure your submission doesn't have the following:

  • Any mentions of commissions/customs in the description and name.
  • A - used to indicate a colouration or set.
  • That your item is not touching the transparent border in the item icon.
  • Item Icon is saved as a transparent image with no white frame.
  • Stray pixels, a good tip is to check against a dark or red/green background to spot those pesky pixels.
  • Any mentions of active suffering or harm to others.
  • Copyrighted material


Is Lineless art allowed?

  • A: Lineless should be alright, but it would be case by case, as CA can be patterns and genes as well.

Is painting allowed?

  • A: All art must be digital, digital painting is allowed

Is heavy texture painting styles like Impasto allowed?

  • A: If the digital paintbrush you're using is too heavily textured you may have to tweak this in a rework. Hyperrealistic styles like Impasto wouldn't be allowed.

Are non-dithered brushes allowed?

  • Non-dithered items are allowed as we do allow pixel CA to be created (for example you could make a Pixel Hearts Background or Pixel Frog Friends)

Are dithering, perlin and white noise effects allowed?

  • Use of heavy repeating patterns wouldn't be allowed, so this would be case by case. Light use or faded is allowed.

ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago


I have a quick question: can you clarify a bit on the reasoning behind the guideline “do not use A - used to indicate a coloration or set."

As someone who's come from other pet sites that allow custom skins/apparel It seems to be a common practice for artists to make recolors or similar designs that are part of a series or overall set. And using a specific letter/word/naming scheme helps to associate them with each other better.

For example: an artist makes Flower crowns in various colors and names them (Flower Crown - Blue, Flower Crown - Red, Flower Crown - Purple, etc) is that not allowed here, or am I misunderstanding?

Apologies if this has been answered already. I haven't dived into custom apparel making just yet.

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@VariantLoki Hi, it's moreso the use of the dash (-) in regards to colouration. This is so the item names fit in with the rest of the site items naming scheme. So for example, Purple Flower Crown, is allowed, but as you said Flower Crown - Purple is not. Sorry for the slow response!


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago


Oh okay, that makes sense!

Thank you for answering!

1 year ago
Bask in the sunlight
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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but do creators make money off of their designs?


Flight Rising Sage || LW -7 || 23 y/o || Mom || AuDHD

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