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1 year ago
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@Kioshi Hi there, your item shares a lot of design language and key features that the Palamute Armour has.

Those key features are:

  • A cross shaped scar on the forehead that matches the kunai used
  • Double-saddled belt alongside the rope ribbon
  • Saddle-stitched, drooping scarf with a ninja throwing star used as a belt fastener
  • The single roped leg wraps that are stiff and pointy

Adding embellishments such as tassels and the roped belt alone does not avoid a copyright issue as it is clearly a work derived from a singular source. Which would open Lorwolf to be held liable for hosting an item such as this.

In it's current state it would be rejected. To avoid issues with copyrighted material, I'd like to recommned that you use multiple sources when creating an item to help turn it into something of your own and to not be direct copies of one singular item. So for example with your sketches there plenty parts to the apparel that you can edit or adjust whilst still keeping your original intent of being inspired by palamute.

Such as:

  • Changing the stitching used, such as cross-stitching, herringbone stitch and so on.
  • The shape of the scarf instead of ending in an straight arrow shape, you could have a sharp V shape, or an L shape.
  • The weapon used as a belt fastener, instead of a throwing star, use a kunai, or crescent blade.
  • Change the shape language of the scar, just as the throwing star mimics the shape of the forehead mark, you can change your scar to mimic the weapon or metal you choose to use as a fastener.
  • Adjust any future colours you plan to add, instead of using the palamutes direct colour palette, use different hues or colour scheme instead.
  • Adding different weapons attached to the armour, such as scythes, or jagged blades, or change the handles to be bound in the ropes you've used as embellishments.
  • Adjusting patterns on the belt/saddle, using different layers or fabrics.
  • Replacing the string-tie bow with another item such as bells, paw tokens or fairy orbs, etc.

Using multiple of these changes will help to avoid a copyright issue whilst adding the benefit of making that item more unique to you. I hope this helps and that the description shows you what I am seeing when seeing these copyrighted materials. If you any questions don't be afraid to ask!


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago

Alright! Thank you so much, I will be sure to change the design up!

1 year ago

Hello Quiche!

I just noticed my Plague Doctor Mask design has art errors for one of the poses. Could you send that back for rework please so I could submit a fix?

Thank you for your time. <3

1 year ago

is it possible to change tags on accepted apparel?

1 year ago
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@Zani Sent back as requested!

@c h i v e Please contact support for assistance to see if they can change the tags.


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago
The Tired
The Tired
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Thank you for letting me know I need to rework the tags for the Petal Cascades! :o I've encountered one small issue though, and I wanted to check with you before continuing.

When I try to apply the “full body” tag, it checks off the tag for every other body location (head, neck, shoulders, etc.) I was wondering if this was intended or if this was a bug of some kind? I wanted to make sure before submitting, since it seemed a little odd at first! edit: I think I can uncheck the tags, so I'll submit it that way, but if the tags come back somehow, please let me know! ;w;

In addition, my first petal cascade (Sunset Petal Cascade) was tagged as Objects, Vegetation, and Background. Would I be able to have this item's tags changed to “Objects, Vegetation, Large, and Full Body” to have it be in line with the other Petal Cascade colors?

edit: Oops! Just saw the post above. I'll contact support about that, thank you! :)

1 year ago


Hi! My CA was just approved but i think I clicked wrong in the keeping copies / selling copies section because i got all 5 copies. Would it be possible to take them away from me and put them on the custom apparel market instead?

sorry for the trouble ill just sell them on my end!

1 year ago
The Tryhard
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When you have time, can you send back the gold monarch wings back for rework too ? I'll change the description and submit it again.


1 year ago
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@Kazux Sent back as requested.


ToS SupportQuestionsFAQ

Signature Art

1 year ago


Hi, just sent support ticket for Hands of Ghost with base art issue, but found nowhere to attach the correct files. Please let me know where to attach them, thank you!

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