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2 years ago
Abilities Guide
PassiveDescriptionModels with the Ability
HypedThis character always attacks twice in a row.Thrasher, Holiday Snowcat, Vulpactia
Pack MentalityIncreases attack of other allies with Pack Mentality by 10.0%.Deer, Macauco, Colpach, Murkwood Enderling, Grimalkin, Echecara, Gaudrey, Algeel, Lupin
Lucky StrikeHas a 10.0% chance to perform an extra turn.Teufel, Icefisher Stork, Volmyr
BackstabStun 1 random enemy at the beginning of the battle for 1 turn.Folium, Lapistrix
ThornyEnemies who attack this character gain a bleed debuff dealing 40.0% damage over 3 turns.Basidio, Pincher
MassiveGain an additional 20.0% health.Moorbear, Aurox
EnergeticAuto attacks generate double energy.Rodill, Mutterbird, Goldsea Enderling, Lunaria, Vespen, Jocol
ToughnessReduces damage taken by 10.0%.Varani, Brother, Pandosa, Icerun Enderling, Mullvad, Golden Unicorn, Bovius, Arturas, Rockbreaker Ox
Hard HeadedEnemies who attack this character have a 50.0% chance to become stunned for 1 turn.Monstropod, Simbur
PreparedStart combat with a shield equal to 20.0% of max health.Furmus, Zerda
Ready FreddyThis character starts each battle with 100% energy.Chiropta
Abnormal SpeedGain an additional 20.0% chance to dodge incoming attacks.Darkspine Enderling, Broch, Ignatus, Kickstarter Krane, Kapura, Kit
Toxic SecretionsEnemies who attack this character gain a poison debuff dealing 30.0% damage over 2 turns.Canictonis, Torcine, Hydra
Incredible ForceCritical strikes deal 400% damage.Keboko, Kuzma, Nytha
PiercerAttacks ignore shields.Dustraven, Machaira, Bracchus

Auto AttackDescriptionModels with the Ability
SwipeAttack everyone in the front row for 50.0% damage.Thrasher, Moorbear, Volmyr
ChargeCharge through enemies dealing 50.0% damage to one frontline and one backline enemy.Deer, Teufel, Icerun Enderling, Golden Unicorn, Bovius, Rockbreaker Ox
Quick Attack/Tail Swipe/Bite/PounceAttack the target for 100% damage.Macauco, Varani, Mutterbird, Colpach, Furmus, Darkspine Enderling, Goldsea Enderling, Murkwood Enderling, Mullvad, Broch, Grimalkin, Icefisher Stork, Ignatus, Vulpactia, Dustraven, Echecara, Kapura, Gaudrey, Algeel, Jocol, Lupin, Kit
PatienceInstead of attacking, wait and do nothing. This still generates a normal amount of energy.Folium, Aurox
Poisonous StingSting the target for 75.00% and inflict poison causing 100% damage over 2 turn.sBasidio, Chiropta, Canictonis, Lunaria, Nytha, Pincher, Torcine, Hydra
Siphoning ScratchAttack the target for 100% damage and heal a random damaged ally for 100% of damage done.Rodill, Pandosa, Holiday Snowcat, Kickstarter Krane, Arturas, Vespen, Bracchus
Protection ThwackAttack the target for 100% damage and give a shield to a random ally for 50.0% of the damage done.Brother, Monstropod, Simbur, Zerda
RetributionAttack the last 2 enemies that attacked you for 75.00% damage.Keboko, Lapistrix, Machaira
SpitSpit at the target dealing 150.0% damage.Kuzma

SpecialDescriptionModels with the Ability
CoordinateOnly allies attack next round.Thrasher, Folium, Varani, Aurox, Torcine
Impaling ChargeCharge through enemies stunning them for 1 turn and dealing 200% damage to one frontline and one backline enemy.Deer
Jaw SnapBites the target with full force for 200% damage.Macauco, Darkspine Enderling, Icefisher Stork
StompStomp around and hit each enemy for 200% damage and stun them for 1 turn.Teufel, Bovius
Poison SoakSoak up all poison on all enemies, dealing the remaining poison damage immediately to each enemy. This damage ignores shields.Basidio, Chiropta
Body SlamSlam down on target for 300% damage and stun them for 1 turn.Moorbear, Rockbreaker Ox, Algeel
SwarmSwarm all enemies dealing 100% damage to each enemy. This attack cannot be dodged.Rodill
MotivateMotivate all allies, granting 25 energy each turn for 2 turns.Mutterbird, Goldsea Enderling, Arturas
IntersectTaunts, dodges, and counter attacks the next attack against an ally (100% chance to crit).Brother, Furmus, Kickstarter Krane, Lapistrix, Kit
FortifyGive a shield for 20.0% of the caster's max health to all allies.Monstropod, Icerun Enderling, Mullvad, Zerda
Festive FeelsGive a healing over time effect to self and 1 ally, healing for 10.0% health over 2 turns.Pandosa, Holiday Snowcat, Simbur
RipMake all frontline targets bleed for 100% damage over 2 turns.Colpach
FlurryAttack the target for 100% damage 3 times.Murkwood Enderling, Grimalkin, Ignatus, Echecara
GrudgeAttack the last 5 enemies that attacked you for 125.00% damage.Broch, Keboko, Machaira
Paralyzing PoisonStun the target for 2 turns and cause them to bleed for 200% damage over 2 turns. This damage ignores shields.Canictonis, Lunaria, Vulpactia, Hydra
Noble InspirationGive all allies +10.0% damage for 2 turns.Golden Unicorn, Vespen
BerserkBecome berserk for 2 turns, gaining 100% critical strike chance.Dustraven, Kuzma, Kapura, Gaudrey, Volmyr
ConstrictApply poison dealing 300% damage over 3 turns to one backline enemy. This also stuns the user for 3 turns. This damage ignores shields.Nytha, Pincher
Blossom MaulAttack for 180.0% damage and heal all allies for 100% of damage done.Jocol
Pack RushA pack of wolves swarms each enemy dealing multiple blows for 15.00% damage.Lupin
Death PounceLaunch with deadly force and attack the target for 400% damage.Bracchus
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