Report all typos in the Typo Megathread.
Report all advertising issues in the Advertising Report Megathread.
Please note the newest threads may not have been added yet. If your thread is older and not here, please DM me with a link to your thread.
If your thread has been locked and removed from this Index then the reported bug has had a fix. If you are still experiencing a bug after your thread has been locked, please resubmit a new bug report as this may have a different root cause from the issue that was found during investigation.
Please note: the swear filter is from a 3rd party, it is really outdated and we are actively working on fixing it!
- [Achievements] Still Standing not counting
- Achievement "It's Time To Duel!" 5/5 bar not going up right
- Weird lag during battle animations
- Limited Loot - Tawny Echecara and Moonlit Vulpactia
- Leather and Cotton do not drop from anywhere
Den, Breeding and Wolf Pages
- [Wolf pages, Dens] Images will refuse to load//[Wolf Page] Blank Image
- Unable to Type in Wolf Bios on Mobile//Unable to edit wolf info on mobile
- [Wolf Pages] Unble to copy to clipboard
- [Nesting] Give Birth Button vs Profile Status Inaccurate
- [Wolf] Missing Wolves
- Wolf Cool down but not bred or studded
- [Nesting] Give Birth Button vs Profile Status Inaccurate
- [Den] Wolf Order Incorrect
- [Wolf Page] Editing Wolf Info on Mobile
- [Den] Coordinates can be set to outside the box
- [Puppy] Pup growing up timer wrong
- Custom Apparel Cannot Be Used After Releasing Wolf Wearing It
- [Dens] When moving wolves to new den, they get placed in there randomly
- [Campaign] Zanthous event doesn't cost energy
- [Explore] Continuation Error? (Still not working on desktop after maintenance)
- [Campaign] Does Eat Oats
- [Campaign] Encounters Not Loading Then Bugging Out
- [Campaign] Wolf in the Corner
- [Campaign] Here There Be Monsters quest is skipping dialogue
- [Battle] Losing despite clearly winning
- [campaign] - trying to explore in den puts me in other places
- [Campaign] Visual bug after feeding or claiming reward during a battle
- [Campaign] Ignoring moths changes the background
- [Campaign] Battles not starting after clicking attack
- [Darkspine 2] Hunting Encounter tied to Crafting Level
- [Crafting Encounter] Level 35 Crafting Encounter Giving Fishing Experience
- [ Campaign ] Varani Expertise Quest
- [Campaign] Battle: Simbur; One Enemy is Hidden Behind the Simbur
- [Battle Campaign] No damage and endless battle?
- [Campaign] Campaign Sequencing Bugs
- [Campaign] Exploring is confused, Goldsea othenia city
- [ Campaign ] Joining the Darkspine Pack Quest
- [Campaign] Party Rearrangement
- Explore in Goldsea (or in general) isn’t working! (In safari)
- [Gauntlet] Post-Mortem Win!?
- [Gauntlet] Unfair Looping Time-Wasting
- [Gauntlet] Can't move forward but stamina is still used
- Gauntlet showing full health when not
- [Gauntlet] Infinite No-Turn Status
- [Gauntlet] Played outcome doesn't match results.
- [Rewards] Arena Rewards Bug
- [Arena] Arena Slot Selection Glitch
- [Arena] Serious Swap-Merge Glitch
- [Arena] 2nd Place Won 4th
- [Arena]Tried to Spectate Bot in Arena, Got Kicked Out
- Volmyr Synergies w/ Tiger Poison
- [ARENA] Waiting 2mins at the start
- [Arena] Free refreshes don't appear
- [Arena] Arena stuck on final turn // Arena Frozen
- All Orthrus Companion Recolors in Arena Shop
- [Arena] The Arena: my two-stars teammates appear as one-star ones
- [Arena] Furmus' Intersect countering teammate Sparklequill's Fortify
- [Arena] "starting..." time increasing
- [Arena] you can sell the same model more then once (Visual)
- [Fishing] Fishing Error//Fishing timer breaking
- [Fishing] Fishing Bug//Fishing Bug
- [Fishing] Ripples animations get invisible if image animation is turned off (Firefox)
- -1 Fishing Trips
- [Fishing] Refreshing page ends fishing trip early
- Fishing Issues on Mobile
- Can’t Fish
- Fishing Error in Backwoods Brook
- [Mining] Wolf Not Fully Upgrading Mine Cart
- Expanding mine while in transit will not give you 5 slots
- [Mining] Copper not smelting
- [Mining] Closing and reopening tab skips traveling
- Moonwalking in Mine [harmless]
- Possible Mining Level Equip Error?
- Wheel breaks after one mining trip
- [Mining] Depth showing with -4/+4 when going and returning
- [Mining] "GetMiningProgress" refreshing multiple times
- [Mining] stoking furnace resetting travel depth
- [Cooking] "Something went wrong while cooking"
- [Cooking]Current Cooking Item Randomly Disappears
- [Cooking] Error Sorry, something went wrong.
- [Cooking] Raw Meat thumbnail image blacked out
- [cooking] Can't make Guppy Bites
- [Farming] Farming level drop times seem longer than intended
- [Farming] Memory leak
- [Farming] Incorrect grammar in error
- [Farming] Plot 3 Vanished
- Farming Visual Glitch
- [Tooltip] Item Icon Incorrect Color (Carrots & Purple Carrots)
- "You cannot add that amount of water" in Farming
- [Hunting] Autofilling food without enough eligible food fills with other items//Hunting is trying to rob me
- Failed a Hunting Trip with 100% Success Rate
- [Hunting] MS Expansion
- [Hunting] Wild Wolf Hunting Quest Bug
- [Hunting] Manual reroll results in same quests
- [Hunting] Completion list is long
- [Hunting] Vertical Rewards
Activities and Weekly Shops
Mole Market
- Glitched textures around mole market
- Items not given after purchase from MM
- [Mole Market] Sections double up
- Mole market "buy all" visual bug
Flea Market
- Ability to sort wolves in flea market briefly disappeared?
- [Flea Market] Weird Cancel Listing Bug
- Wolves at page 2 appearing on page 3
Weekly Shops and Activities
- White base + white under error on dark mode
- [Apparel] Silver Cuffs looking like Mithril & Mithril Nose Ring Item Icon looking like Lorium
- [Art] F Zerda and M Lupin Elius' Mantle colored outside lines
- [Forum] Forum posting missing text
- [Forums] Copy/Paste Feature breaks the Editor
- Writing on Forum being Deleted [Mobile]
- top header txt n block quote line not showing up on bio
- [Forums/Messages] Broken Heart Emoji
- Ghost pings/notifications
- [Forums] Some images won’t show
- [Forum] My Own Posts Trigger Forum Activity/Subscription Notification
- [Forums] Offset Avatars
- [Forums] Preview doesn't have same restrictions as actual post
- [Forums] Closing code view when it's not open
- [Forums] Spacing Issue in Signatures
- [Forums] Subscribed Threads Notifying Of Own Posts.
- [Forums] Header 2
- [Forums] Typeface CSS getting lost while posting
- [Forums] {Wolf(ID#)} does not work all the time
- [ Forums ] Incorrect Spacing Between Titles & Thread Names for Moderators on Mobile
- [ Forums ] Large gaps between first and second paragraph
- Ghost pings/notifications
- [Messages] Empty Message Send
- [Messages] Messages sending to the wrong person
- [Messages] PM not clearing text then sending a blank message
- [Messages] Claim button not appearing during trades.
- [Message] Not receiving feedback from Moderation Tools.
- [Mobile] Info from profile bio missing
- [Coding] Tables not displaying correctly + Wolf bio bug?
- [Profile] Profile/Bio Editor not working correctly
- [Premium] Extra Moonstones From Monthly Membership
- [Premium] Beginner bundle error
- [Ad] Ad Placement
- [Ad] Weird download prompt?
- [Membership] Using Credit / Debit option crashes the browser
- [Timers] Broken Timers
- [Images] Moonstone Image breaking
- [Images] Custom Apparel Preview image breaking
- [Mobile site] Dark mode randomly turns off
- [Profanity Filter] only checks for line breaks in HTML source code