Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
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2 years ago
The Dogged
147 Achievements
General Rank 2
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 1
Campaign Rank 1
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Crafting Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
Development Update - October
It’s official, Lortober has begun! We have some super exciting news to share with you this month, including Lorwolf’s early access signup and the new Farming NPCs. Also, if you haven’t yet, head over to @quiche-lw​ and join in the Lortober festivities!
What’s new?
  • Early Access Announcement
  • New Farming NPCs
  • Companion Speedpaint
Early Access Announcement
You heard that right, Lorwolf is prepping for its early access period beginning December 1, 2022! Anyone who wasn’t a beta tester can sign up using the form below:
Once you sign up, you will be added to our list of early access players. This form works on a first come, first serve basis; those that sign up earlier will be able to register earlier. Please check out the FAQ for further information about Lorwolf’s early access.
An important side-note: if you were a beta tester, you do not need to sign up for the early access. Your account will be re-enabled once the early access begins and you will be able to log in using your username/password from the beta test!
We’ll be sharing even more details about Lorwolf’s early access between now and December 1, so stay tuned!
New Farming NPCs

A couple of new characters have joined the fight against Chaos, please welcome our newest Farming NPCs! With decades of agricultural experience, and impressively voracious appetites, these two make for the perfect crop-tending pair. Players will be able to feed them complex foods in exchange for assistance with their harvests!
With all that said, we would like to invite our community to help us name them! Some current ideas include: Tiny Tusk and Big Beak (or Tiny and Bigs for short), Herb and Lil’ Red, or Elmer and Hank. Head on over to our Discord server and share your ideas <3

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Canictonis Crossing
Dreaming About You
Fields of Loria
First Snow
Follow the Leader
Good Morning, Challengers
Haunted Cave
Head in the Clouds
Into the Deep
Lone Wolf
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Nothing but Time
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Queueing Up
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Sleepy Wolves
Sunken Melody
The Mighty Remain
Through Goldsea
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