Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
7 days ago
The Apprentice
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Cheap Wolf/Characters Headshots! [Slots Full - Waitlist Open]


Hello! I'm looking to make a little bit of MS, so I'm going to be offering some headshot art of your wolves, OCs, etc. like the example above! I'm willing to draw all sorts of things, as long as it adheres to Lorwolf's TOS, of course— including but not limited to the following: animals/quadrupeds, humanoids, mechanical/robotic, kemonomimi/gijinka, anthro, monsters/creatures, etc. Basically, I'm willing to tackle any type of anatomy!


Admittedly, my art is spread out across many different websites at this point, and some I've updated more than others. My Artfight is the best place to see recent works, as I've fallen a bit behind on updating everything else, but I will be providing galleries below for you to get an idea of what I'm capable of doing. Some things are exclusively on one site and not the rest due to just being bad at updating, but.

Artfight | deviantART Main | deviantART Alt | Toyhouse | Art Tumblr | Art Journal | FurAffinity

Please note I AM ONLY OFFERING HEADSHOTS AT THIS TIME, so that I don't get overwhelmed. These prices are very cheap for what I normally charge.

  • Simple characters and wolves with no apparel I'll be doing for 10 MS.
  • Complex characters and wolves with lots of apparel I'll be doing for 50 MS.


I'm only opening up three slots at a time so that I don't get overwhelmed, but an infinite waitlist for now if you want to be able to get a slot when they open up! I don't know how long I'll be doing these for; it just depends on my personal art-related energy, if that makes sense!

  • Bloodguile --- PAID | DONE | Pending Approval
  • Derantez --- PAID
  • 13blackcats


Derantez (x2), Wolfe


Lunar Howlers | Starcrow | Derantez | Malediction + V2 + V3 + V4 | Wolfe



7 days ago
Lunar Howlers
The Chatty
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Hello hello! I would love to have a headshot of my boy Doom!
I was wondering, is it too much to ask for his earrings to be incorporated? If you want more payment for them just tell me. I’ll send payment once I get a response :3

black travelers cloaks 👹
7 days ago
The Apprentice
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@Lunar Howlers

Not me in the corner trying to figure out how to ping you with a space in your username. I don't actually know how to. I've heard you can use the ID of a person so hopefully this works and if it doesn't then I suppose I'm plum out of luck LOL...

I can easily include the earrings and that part of the outfit that he's wearing for the simple price (10 MS)! That's not a problem for me. :3c Might take me a hot second because I'm a little busy right at this particular moment, but this is absolutely doable.



7 days ago
Lunar Howlers
The Chatty
call me Lunar!
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Alright, thank you! I’ll send the payment now.

lol you’re the second person to comment on my name pinging today.


black travelers cloaks 👹
7 days ago
The Boneweaver
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Ohhh I would love to claim a few slots for wolves eventually, but before I get started on that, how are you with dragons? I'd love a headshot of my boy first and foremost :D

I have some refs so you can get an idea:

If he looks like something you want to tackle, let me know! I'd love to get some art of him, I've been neglecing commissions for him recently, haha!


7 days ago
The Apprentice
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Oh what a gorgeous design! (Blood does not bother me at all by the way... I actually adore creepy/horror content, but I appreciate the thoughtful head's up all the same!) Also I love drawing dragons, haha. If it helps, here's an example of a Flight Rising dragon that I've drawn, for instance!



7 days ago
The Boneweaver
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YESYESYES, PERFECT! (he is teeeechnically NOT a Skydancer, but someone pointed out the similarities and that's how I ended up discovering FR, haha. Someday, I'll make him over there).

I would love at least one HS of him, maybe a few more for different expressions down the line, if you vibe with his design? I have a bunch of ms to spend right now, so hey, might as well treat my boy!

ALSO, same on creepy/horror content, but I've learned to be careful with even small things in public spaces, and a quick note doesn't hurt anyone c:


7 days ago
The Merciless
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Ahh your art is so beautiful! I would love one of my lead (idk how to do pictures sorry :( )
how much would it be for all of her apparel? Thanks!

And~ if you want to add these to the waiting list that would be amazing! (Apparel would be nice but not necessary!) thanks again!


"I laughed with you. I believed in you. I followed you. I cried for you. I fought with you. I grew up with you. And all along. You were never really there."

7 days ago
The Exhausted
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Seems you're full! Could I be placed on the waitlist, please?
7 days ago
The Feral
it/its, he/him
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I'd love a spot on your waitlist, please! And would also like to ask whether my pack leader here would fall into simple or complex if the only apparel to be included are the layered halos and white pupil CA?

7 days ago
The Apprentice
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Just letting you all know I will reply and update everything when I'm able~! Just a tad busy like right now at this specific moment in time but I will have time later this day to do these things. <3 Just so that nobody thinks I vanished into the void, LOL.


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