Hello! I'm looking to make a little bit of MS, so I'm going to be offering some headshot art of your wolves, OCs, etc. like the example above! I'm willing to draw all sorts of things, as long as it adheres to Lorwolf's TOS, of course— including but not limited to the following: animals/quadrupeds, humanoids, mechanical/robotic, kemonomimi/gijinka, anthro, monsters/creatures, etc. Basically, I'm willing to tackle any type of anatomy!
Admittedly, my art is spread out across many different websites at this point, and some I've updated more than others. My Artfight is the best place to see recent works, as I've fallen a bit behind on updating everything else, but I will be providing galleries below for you to get an idea of what I'm capable of doing. Some things are exclusively on one site and not the rest due to just being bad at updating, but.
Artfight | deviantART Main | deviantART Alt | Toyhouse | Art Tumblr | Art Journal | FurAffinity
Please note I AM ONLY OFFERING HEADSHOTS AT THIS TIME, so that I don't get overwhelmed. These prices are very cheap for what I normally charge.
- Simple characters and wolves with no apparel I'll be doing for 10 MS.
- Complex characters and wolves with lots of apparel I'll be doing for 50 MS.
I'm only opening up three slots at a time so that I don't get overwhelmed, but an infinite waitlist for now if you want to be able to get a slot when they open up! I don't know how long I'll be doing these for; it just depends on my personal art-related energy, if that makes sense!
- Bloodguile --- PAID | DONE | Pending Approval
- Derantez --- PAID
- 13blackcats
Derantez (x2), Wolfe
Lunar Howlers | Starcrow | Derantez | Malediction + V2 + V3 + V4 | Wolfe