-—{『crystal glacier』}—-
This post will be edited to include information about this part of my lair / lore! I'm still setting things up!
-—IC: A mesmerizing, crystalline river, partially frozen, and yet lacking the bone-chilling gelidity of true frost, a welcoming harbor for all, cloaked in gently flowing waters, shimmering and glinting in the light, a protective safe-haven for those who need shelter and care. This elegant, tranquil underwater domain is the personal living quarters of the fishfox Meirenyu and his extended family, guarded closely by his mate, Haishui. Here, they collectively watch over and nurture their progeny, as well as revitalize any weary travelers who stumble into their serene territories, needing blissful rest and reprieve from the troubles of the world. For those who are not aquatic or marine by nature, this submerged biome has a magical spell placed on it that allows any visitors to breathe in the oxygen from the surrounding liquids with no trouble, creating a paradise under the scintillating sea, filled with colorful trinkets and grand, castle-like structures, dramatic coral that liven up the place, and an abundance of varied, unique fauna and delightful, almost tropical fish. It is truly the fabled Peach Blossom Springs, a utopia like no under, here under the opalescent ocean.
OOC: This lair tab holds Meirenyu's family— his lineage and their respective mates, as well as any others who have been adopted into their home. Canonically, both he and his mate once lived elsewhere, but moved to these waters after experiencing hardship, wanting to find a place to call all their own, where they could live in peace, harmony, equality, and acceptance. As such, the Crystal Glacier itself is a clan built on the foundation of these concepts, eventually spawning a thriving community around it (the rest of my lair). Meirenyu is considered the leader of my entire span of foxes within my lore, and is legendary within his respective territory! It is also worth noting that "Peach Blossom Springs" (
shiwaitaoyuan) is a Chinese concept; it has sometimes been translated as "paradise," but this is in truth an over-simplification of the idea, harboring the notion of a world cut off from external chaos, living instead in a life of peaceful bliss.
-—Additionally, Meirenyu's fishfox lineage will be marked here with terms as "G2, G3, G4" etc. This denotes their generation according to his personal descendants, rather than on-site gameplay. "Offspring Name" refers to the default name that I use for a pairing's progeny.
-—{『clan leaders』}—-
===================================== he/him/his FISH OUT OF WATER {may-ZHREN-YOO} "mermaid" | ===================================== he/him/his THE RAGING SEA {HI-shway} "ocean water" |
Offspring Name: "Baobei" {bow-BAY}, meaning "baby, treasure, darling."
The first one listed is of Meirenyu's lineage; the second is their corresponding mate.
===================================== they/them/theirs THE FIRSTBORN {bow-BAY} "baby, treasure, darling" | ===================================== she/her/hers CUDDLY SWEETHEART {jenn-shcee} "to treasure, cherish, value" |
Offspring Name: "Ailian" {eye-LEE-ENN}, meaning "to show tender affection; to coo over."
===================================== she/her/hers THE RETRO LIGHTS {jung-CHEE-boh} "vaporwave" | ===================================== she/her/hers THE LIVELY VELOCITY {gwaahng-SOO} "lightspeed" |
Offspring Name: "Nihongcheng" {NEE-HOHNG-CHUNG}, meaning "neon city."
===================================== he/him/his BLUE-RINGED SOUL {jaahng-YOO} "octopus" | ===================================== they/them/theirs THE TOXIC TOUCH {doo-SHOO-tung} "poison ivy" |
Offspring Name: "Zhen" {JENN}, meaning "poison."