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12 hours ago
How to make a background and banner?

I see graveguradion have a thing with dogs and his name or her but how do I do banner background games I play and the thing gravegarudion has please help.

12 hours ago
The Mimic
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Hey there! I actually just threw it together myself in my art program using pre-existing assets from the site, creating a cleaner, crisper render of the paw print image from the KS page, some free font I downloaded, and of course some tonal correction to get the color values I wanted among other things like opacity and drop shadows.

I host my forum/profile images on imgur to get useable links.

(Haha, and I just go by they/them <3)

12 hours ago
The Mimic
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Oh yeah, and you can find profile banners in the seasonal shops or the markets, or from unlocking and completing achievements. Marvin has a nice stock at the bottom of the Mole Market!
12 hours ago
You draw the stuff? Can you do that for me?
12 hours ago
The Mimic
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I do draw, yes, but I didn't draw my signature. I used image assets from Lorwolf's site. (I also used a forest background included in my art program, apparently. I thought I had used one of the site's background scenes. My bad!) I just edited them together.

I could look into possibly doing signature commissions like mine, however I'm unsure what I could price them at since I would just be editing other images rather than drawing them. I'd need to ask the staff or mods about that, I think. If you want something drawn, you will have to refer to my commission prices.

11 hours ago
What is your signature? Is it the thing with dogs? If so how did you get that on this site? Please tell me how to do all the things I asked the banner background and signature
11 hours ago
The Mimic
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The signature is the area below your forum post, so yeah, my signature is that red thing with the pictures of the Orthrus dog companions. Yours is currently blank, but you can add things to it by going to your Account Settings under the More. . . category:

  • Scroll down to Forum Appearance to customize or change your banner (the thin strip at the top of your forum post. (Yours is currently set to Darkspine--it's the little purple-and-green picture of the trees. Mine is from the Murkwood Seasonal, which is the next upcoming event so it will be available again.)
  • You can also change your Profile Decoration here--the "picture frame" that surrounds your lead wolf. You don't currently have one equipped. Mine is also from Murkwood Seasonal, like my banner.
  • You can change your Title, i.e., the text between your username and your pronouns if you set any. You get these from unlocking achievements. You don't currently have one equipped, mine is from completing the Mirror, Mirror achievement.
  • You can lastly edit your Signature--the space below your forum posts. Like I said, I created my signature image and uploaded it to imgur (which is another website) to host it and create a useable link. You have to have a link to an image to be able to use it, so you can't upload anything directly from your computer. I grabbed the link for the image and placed it into my signature using the little Picture icon and posting the link. The image appeared after that, and then below it I typed in some links to some of the other sites I'm registered on so people can find me. I made them clickable by highlighting my text and using the little Link icon (looks like a chain link, the one by the table grid). I pasted the link I wanted to send people to there and it changed the text into a useable link, which is why it looks blue/purple to let you know that you can interact with it.

Make sure you save all of your changes or else they won't appear!

11 hours ago
How did you make the signature? Yourself right but I am not that good at drawing but I do like drawing so I use ai to make images so can you tell me how you made the image? Website I mean does it use ai that helps me?
10 hours ago
The Mimic
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Okay, so first off, I do want to caution you against using AI images of any sort. They are not ethical and often are trained by stealing other artists' work. Some game/art sites do not allow them to be used or uploaded at all due to this issue. I would caution you against using AI images at all. They are harmful, not only to artists, but use a lot of natural resources at an alarming rate to be generated.

I do not use AI to make anything. Ever. Please, if you want to create things, I urge you to find templates to use, practice, or commission someone to do it for you. You can learn and improve--anyone can, and you'll be able to create far better things without AI.

Again, please do not use AI images.

Now, as for how I made the image, I took this picture of the Eclipsed Orthrus companion from Lorwolf's Companions page:

I also took the paw print image from Lorwolf's KickStarter page. I'm sure there was a smaller version of it somewhere in the site's code, but I just trimmed it from HERE.

I opened my art program (I use Clip Studio Paint / Manga Studio) and uploaded the images and cleaned up the pawprint a bit to make it less pixelated. I used tonal correction to reduce the saturation to make the image truly black-and-white monochromatic. I copy-pasted the Orthrus and paw print in a repeating pattern and merged all layers. I copy-pasted the image layer and painted one black by locking transparency. I unlocked it and then blurred it using Gaussian Blur to create a drop shadow behind the dogs and paws. I saved both layers as a single PNG.

I created a new 800 x 200px canvas, uploaded my image of the dogs and paws, and typed in my username above them using a font I downloaded off the internet. I gave it an outline and a dorp shadow like I had done with the dogs and paws. I made a red background layer and inserted a forest background that came preinstalled with my art program. I made a little border around the canvas using a new layer, painted it black, and set it to 50% opacity to make it transparent, layering it between the background and the other images.

I then saved it as a CLIP file so I can make more later if I want to change a few things and saved a separate PNG of the completed forum signature image. I went to my imgur account to upload the PNG of my forum signature. Once it uploaded there, I got the link by right-clicking and opening the image in a new tab and went back to Lorwolf's settings page to insert the link into my signature box using the Image icon and pasting the link when the little link window popped up.

I know that's really lengthy and might be confusing, but it's actually really easy when you become acclimated to art programs. I bought my art program, but there are free ones you can download online like GIMP that allow you to do the same things. I used to use GIMP a lot before I bought CSP.

9 hours ago
I use krita and I use it on computer which is not the best place to have a drawing website so I haven't used it in a while so I won't be able to do what you did first try I mostly am good at pencil drawing cats I have made my first Dragon so what you did will take me awhile to do but thanks for the information😊😊😊
9 hours ago
The Mimic
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I haven't used Krita myself, but anything is better than using AI, honestly!

There's absolutely nothing wrong with pencils/traditional art, either! I drew traditionally for years and years and years before ever going digital. My first "digital works" were me scanning my pencil drawings and coloring over them digitally, haha.

Of course! I'm always happy to help. If you need anything else, feel free to message me! There are also lots of helpful tutorials on Google and YouTube.

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