Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
8 hours ago
The Lurking
276 Achievements
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1
Bulk Auctions (Has 2 WW)


• Ping the user you outbid
• You MUST bid before the last 24 hours in order to participate during the last 24 hours

• If a bid is placed during the last hour, then time will extend by 1 hour, so everyone gets a fair chance. If the bid doesn't change after an extended hour, then the winner wins the wolf

Stuff I will accept:
• Flight Rising gems: 1 moonstone = 5 gems
• Knucklebones: 1 moonstone = 2 knucklebones
• Sex swaps / Totem of whelping = 35 moonstones
• Direwolf breed change = 10 moonstones each
• Striped accent / leopard Accent = 75 moonstones each
• ANY Apparel from the seasonals event = 10 moonstones each

You can do a mixed amount of payment

< Reminder that some wolves are level 10 >

Id 577764 - Female Direwolf - G5

Breed: Direwolf
Sex: Female
Birthday: 01/21/2025

Eyes: Chalk
Accent: Leopard Wolfsbane
Under: Stripes Stone
Top: Timber Wind
Base: Pumpkin

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 259291 - Male Kit WW

Birthday: 10/28/2023

Eyes: Thistle
Accent: Timber Beige
Under: Timber Amaranth
Top: Brush Grape
Base: Jacaranda

Starting Bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 321999 - Male Lupin WW

Birthday: 01/06/2024

Eyes: Mint
Accent: Timber Blood
Under: Timber Moss
Top: Timber Twilight
Base: Cinnamon

Starting Bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 580175 - Female Direwolf - G5

Breed: Direwolf
Sex: Female
Birthday: 01/27/2025

Eyes: Cyan
Accent: Stripes Grey
Under: Plain Grey
Top: Cozen Orchid
Base: Ash

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 587666 - Male Bracchus - G13

Breed: Bracchus
Sex: Male
Birthday: 02/16/2025

Eyes: Sprout
Accent: Maned Pink
Under: Merle Frost
Top: Timber Chalk
Base: Thistle

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 595888 - Female Zerda - G6

Breed: Zerda
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/14/2025

Eyes: Salmon
Accent: Timber Tan
Under: Timber Pecan
Top: Merle Ochre
Base: Ebony

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 596194 - Female Bracchus - G5

Breed: Bracchus
Sex: Female
Birthday: 03/15/2025

Eyes: Coast
Accent: Fawn Grey
Under: Merle Fossil
Top: Merle Celeste
Base: Horizon

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 377725 - Male Kit - G3

Breed: Kit
Sex: Male
Birthday: 03/09/2024

Eyes: Cloud
Accent: Brush Ultramarine
Under: Cozen Begonia
Top: Merle Butter
Base: Vine

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 596272 - Male Lupin - G11

Breed: Lupin
Sex: Male
Birthday: 03/15/2025

Eyes: Universe
Accent: Stripes Heather
Under: Timber Peach
Top: Leopard Chocolate
Base: Forest

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 89519 - Female Zerda - G3

Breed: Zerda
Sex: Female
Birthday: 06/19/2023

Eyes: Rosemary
Accent: Stripes Granite
Under: Timber Azure
Top: Maned Hibiscus
Base: Coast

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 565934 - Male Bracchus- G3

Breed: Bracchus
Sex: Male
Birthday: 12/19/2024

Eyes: Auburn
Accent: Cozen Moss
Under: Timber Sunset
Top: Timber Grass
Base: Neon

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Id 529280 - Male Lupin - G9

Breed: Lupin
Sex: Male
Birthday: 09/22/2024

Eyes: Mint
Accent: Cozen Shroud
Under: Timber White
Top: Timber Thistle
Base: Mauve

Starting bid - 5ms

Current Price - 5ms

Auction will end on March 22 at rollover time

8 hours ago
The Lurking
276 Achievements
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

~ Ping List For The Last 24 Hours ~

Please state that you want on the LDP list

8 hours ago
The Lurking
276 Achievements
General Rank 4
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 3
Campaign Rank 2
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

Open! ^w^

Will be using this for when I add the bids on the wolves
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