• Ping the user you outbid
• You MUST bid before the last 24 hours in order to participate during the last 24 hours
• If a bid is placed during the last hour, then time will extend by 1 hour, so everyone gets a fair chance. If the bid doesn't change after an extended hour, then the winner wins the wolf
Stuff I will accept:
• Flight Rising gems: 1 moonstone = 5 gems
• Knucklebones: 1 moonstone = 2 knucklebones
• Sex swaps / Totem of whelping = 35 moonstones
• Direwolf breed change = 10 moonstones each
• Striped accent / leopard Accent = 75 moonstones each
• ANY Apparel from the seasonals event = 10 moonstones each
You can do a mixed amount of payment
< Reminder that some wolves are level 10 >
Id 577764 - Female Direwolf - G5 Breed: Direwolf Eyes: Chalk Accent: Leopard Wolfsbane Under: Stripes Stone Top: Timber Wind Base: Pumpkin
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Birthday: 10/28/2023 Eyes: Thistle Accent: Timber Beige Under: Timber Amaranth Top: Brush Grape Base: Jacaranda
Starting Bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Birthday: 01/06/2024 Eyes: Mint Accent: Timber Blood Under: Timber Moss Top: Timber Twilight Base: Cinnamon
Starting Bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | |||
| |||
Id 596194 - Female Bracchus - G5 Breed: Bracchus Eyes: Coast Accent: Fawn Grey Under: Merle Fossil Top: Merle Celeste Base: Horizon
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Breed: Kit Eyes: Cloud Accent: Brush Ultramarine Under: Cozen Begonia Top: Merle Butter Base: Vine
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Breed: Lupin Eyes: Universe Accent: Stripes Heather Under: Timber Peach Top: Leopard Chocolate Base: Forest
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | |||
Breed: Zerda Eyes: Rosemary Accent: Stripes Granite Under: Timber Azure Top: Maned Hibiscus Base: Coast
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Breed: Bracchus Eyes: Auburn Accent: Cozen Moss Under: Timber Sunset Top: Timber Grass Base: Neon
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms | Breed: Lupin Eyes: Mint Accent: Cozen Shroud Under: Timber White Top: Timber Thistle Base: Mauve
Starting bid - 5ms Current Price - 5ms |