Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
5 hours ago
The Tired
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[S/T] Past Seasonal Companions

I have a bad tendency to buy extra companions for selling later thanks to FR, but have found things here are much harder to flip. These poor things have just been sitting in my inventory collecting dust and thought maybe someone else could use them more. Down below is a list of what I have and how much I value them at. Feel free to haggle a price though, as I almost feel these won't sell for the ms I'd like to get out of them. I'm also willing to look at other forms of payment, such as pebbles, mixed payments, and maybe items or wolves. I will be picky with the latter two options though. Feel free to post here or pm me directly to discuss prices or trades.

I would also be willing to hold things for a couple weeks, maybe longer, if you need some time to gather funds.

Chameleon x2 - 20ms
Eldritch Urskogg x3 - 25ms
Giant Frostspinner x1 - 20ms
Tarshade Vulkira x16 - 30ms
Tropical Chameleon x1 - 20ms
Urskogg x3 - 25ms
Bloodmoon Sludgeamander x1 - 20ms
Elandi x1 - 20ms
Fair Elandi x1- 20ms
Feral Mymori x3 - 25ms
Goop Sludgeamander x2 - 20ms
Mymori x3 - 25ms

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