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1 days ago
The Mimic
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Thank you for saying something.

The community doesn't require constant, lengthy posts, full bullet points of everything being worked on and the statuses of each item, nor updates to be rushed and released en masse. Just little blips saying what has been worked on or completed, or even any struggles being had with a particular feature would be appreciated. They don't even have to be full forum posts or newsletters. A little widget in the forums or on the front page with little brief updates from the devs and/or other staff released on occasion would do wonders to help the players see what is being done and give them peace of mind to know that things are being worked on.

While I understand how draining social interaction can be and how grating it can be to be bombarded for updates or responses, especially from multiple angles or when there are no changes or progress to report . . . silence, a lack of interaction, and broken features are one of the largest killers of browser-based pet communities like this one. Lots of games have come and gone, and we all want Lorwolf to stay.

Here's hoping things improve, but for the time being I still don't feel comfortable renewing my membership.

1 days ago
The Exhausted
I need more coffee.
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Eeeyyyyy! It's great to hear from you! <3

It's good to know that you're alright and that the silence was due to what I thought it would be, working behind the scenes.

I'm sorry for all the heavy negativity and accusations of greed that you've received. :( Please know, that while the long silence did cause me some concern (i.e. compassionate worry for those behind the screen), I've never once felt let down. I'm here for the long run, and I look forward to seeing future updates when they arrive. <3

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+0 ★ Ping @27 ★
21 hours ago
The Burnt Out
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Thank you for posting! Thats all we really wanted. Just to know that we weren't abandoned lol

19 hours ago
The Restless
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It is very nice to hear things are still in the works, even if they aren't at the originally projected pace. I do agree with some others that it would still be nice to get some smaller updates in the meantime! Sneak peeks, teasers, and previews of what we're in for are helpful in keeping interest in the site. As it stands, I barely remember to check in here since there's nothing really grabbing me anymore. Regardless, I hope development keeps chugging along. Take care!

19 hours ago
The Lightseeker
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Owning a website or game like this is tough. No one disputes that. But this is a community, and such a space requires communication. Without it, of course people are going to get upset. They'll wonder why they continue to support site leads that doesn't support them back. Especially regarding criticism - maybe at times it wasn't entirely constructive, but nonetheless, it is important to acknowledge the feedback.

I was really excited about this site when I first joined, but recognized similar pitfalls to other games immediately. "Passion projects" that make money cannot truly be a hobby when it is a business at that point. You have not just users, but customers. Every dollar made, even if invested back in the site, means that people are not just content with waiting on updates 'when they happen'. This kind of post throws a bone to the users, but then will leave them in the same position once you stop responding yet again. Plain and simple, a leader can mention that they are working behind the scenes, but it is akin to abandonment if a leader stops communicating. It comes off as having no roadmap, no real plan, and no respect for the people who have played for countless hours and sunk funds into what they hoped was a dedicated project. Instead, there's subtle blaming of the users for not understanding the circumstances. Users would understand if you showed them the same respect you wished for.

I had hoped to come back someday, and kept checking in hoping for change, but this is the final nail for me. Unfortunate, as this is a really fun concept that was more unique and new, and I hoped to be a part of its growth. But trust is a two-way street, and trust is easily broken and not as easy to gain back.

17 hours ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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While leadership doesn’t always make you personally responsible for bad outcomes, you *are* accountable for them. This is part of being boss.

I understand community management was probably not at the forefront of your mind when you started this business; owning any business is a difficult affair, and will come with a lot of learning curves and things you didn't predict, as I'm sure you've discovered by now. Sorry for any abuse you've received directly, but unfortunately that comes with the territory when you are exchanging a service or goods for other people's money, they are going to feel invested and they are going to feel cheated or maltreated when they feel like their time and attention and loyalty are being taken advantage of. It does not make their actions right, but realistically speaking it makes developing a thick skin worth it, as someone who has worked in the bloody trenches of security & safety in online communities for Way Too Long.


You really need to understand that you can't run a business on vibes, and if you want people to believe in the product that you're selling to them, you need to conduct yourself in a manner that befits the operation of the business you're in charge of. If you want to stay in the background and focus on work, that's fine-- it's not that the community particularly needs to hear from you directly, it's that they want to know what is actually going on from someone that is actually privy to what's happening behind the scenes.

Like it or not, by accepting people's money, a transactional relationship is now established, and they are going to hold you responsible for how you run the game they are playing. It's inevitable, and a form of social contract that is almost as old as the species itself.

If you are going to replace Quiche as head of community management, they need to be tied into things more directly so that they can feel comfortable and able to answer the community's questions in your absence. I won't speculate on whether or not that was the case here, because I don't know anything about what the specific workflow looks like, just say that it's probably your best and most realistic option going forwards to have someone that can be the leader that you feel you either don't have the skills or time to be.

6 hours ago
The Nimble
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I'm looking forward to seeing chapter two when it's available!
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
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