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11 hours ago
The Giant Slayer
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It made my heart happy to see this post, and I wish there were more positive comments here. Thank you for doing what you do <3 Life is hard and I hope you're finding the positivity you need somewhere, because you need it. I understand the silence and look forward to staying around

10 hours ago
The Wanderer
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Hey thank you for coming out and saying this!
And i wanted to apologise again for my harsh behaviour on the KS page!
I do get easily carried away with emotions, especially if i am not the only one freaking out!

That said, i wish you the very best with the coninued development of this wonderful little game and also wanted to say that if you ever need help with anything (site related) don't hesitate to reach out!
Not just to me, but to the community at large!
Even if not all comments left here were perfectly positive or polite, they all come from a genuine place of worry and desire to see this project succeed!

Like, this place is a genuine place of comfort for many people, especially in times like these, and people are afraid that they might loose that little comfort too and automatically assume the worst when the caretakers (Mods and Admins) of this place they love seemingly disappear.

With much relief and care,

- Calypso

Ps. I am also saying that i will not message you (or any of the other staff) outside of the site or in DMs (about site matters) again
As i said in a previous comment: "Mistakes made and learned from."

PPs. I am also gonna delete my (admittedly a little rude) KS comment if i can figure out how to do that. I might have to just post an update comment on the page (if thats okay with you of course) just to tell the peeps on there that there has been an update and to disregard my previous comment.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Carnival (if you celebrate)!

8 hours ago
The Wanderer
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And thank you for showing that you DO care.
I appreciate it greatly
8 hours ago
The Lone Wolf
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Thank you for the little update Alaunis. ♡
I will be here for as long as I am able to, to back both you and Lorwolf.

4 hours ago
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The update is appreciated!

3 hours ago
The Watcher
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Thank you for the update. It is appreciated. I hope Lorwolf will be able to get back on its feet.
3 hours ago
The Focused
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Thank you for the update! Hearing little tidbits like this go a long way to help the community. I love hearing that you have been working on the backgrounds. It would be fun if you could sprinkle little tidbits like that in with other updates. I really enjoy hearing about how things are progressing behind the scenes, I think it would be really cool to see WIPs (the previews you have done in the past have been fun!), but I understand if you want to wait for the finished versions. This game has brought a lot of joy to my life.

3 hours ago
The Golden
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Popping in again to give a more full thank you for the update. I think this will go a long way to quiet concerns. The fact that it's coming directly from you, that you're stating your feelings and how you intend to move forward basically the same is appreciated. I personally just needed it to come from you. We can give you all the space you need, that's cool. I've started my memebership again to support you, your husband, and the team.
3 hours ago
318 Achievements
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All most of us have asked for from launch is for you to pop in now and then and let us know you're okay, still around, and the site isn't abandoned. I think that's what the majority want and would be happy with that.

There will always be a few who twist things to the most negative, unfortunately. But withdrawing entirely causes the first group to also freak out and panic.

We all want Lorwolf to succeed! Let your userbase help you (even if it's only by means of support). Please don't let the negatives drive you away, because that then drives your users away.

2 hours ago
The Wanderer
217 Achievements
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Thank you for posting! For the record, I don't think you guys are greedy--games like these are costly to maintain. LW is one of my favorite pet sites and I hope things go well for it.
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