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17 hours ago
The Tryhard
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Thank you so much for responding!<3 I don't care that much about new content being speedy. I just wanted to know that y'all still have passion for the site like me because I don't like one way streets. One of my bad human traits is to form pessimistic theories when left to my own brain and not informed otherwise. Needy or neurotic as it may be a public message like this once every 1-3 months would mean a lot to me and help the brain be content.
17 hours ago
The Weaver
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I have patience, and so long as Lorwolf is around so will I. Thank you for creating this site and good luck with the future :D

I want more pineapples

17 hours ago
The Stinky
Mirror Pronouns
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17 hours ago
The Lurking
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Thank you so so so much!

Even this helps so much! Even just knowing things are still moving in the background and that we aren't forgotten is such a huge relief, in my opinion. As I (And many others) Understand how hard it is to keep motivation for something you feel is being bagged on, while being judged, and I just want to express how much love I DO have for the site. And to let you know that there is those of us (which is more than it seems I promise!) who really do appreciate all that you do, and the hard work you and the mods/ staff do in the background to keep everything going!

As someone who often has a hard time talking to others, or getting the motivation to respond back (even though it has nothing to do with them and everything to do with me x-x) I get not wanting to type out huge posts about things, but even this is so much better than silence. So thank you so much for letting us know that things are still happening!

Thank you for the work you guys do! and know there are many of us who wouldn't mind volunteering to help!


Adopt one today!

'Dreams like the memories once borne on the wind'

17 hours ago
The Golden
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Thank you.
17 hours ago

Yessssss this is what we've been waiting for!

This is absolutely what we needed to hear! Please keep communicating with us, we want to know the state of the game, what's going on, projects, campaign, lore updates, anything that keeps the channels flowing between us lorians and the devs from a practical standpoint, is a win in my book. Don't worry about the past, everyone is human and people make mistakes and that's okay! Think about the current state of the game and what the future has in store for everyone, we believe in you!

Down with silence - Up with communication!

17 hours ago
The Lurking
hopeful wolf
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I feel similar to most of what @Demon said !
Thank you for the response. Am hoping for a brighter, more positive Lorwolf in the future!
Moonsblessings to all of the staff and a genuine thank you all for the work you have done ♥
16 hours ago
The Achievement Hunter
Any pronouns
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As someone who personally doesn't care whether the community is active or not, thank you for acknowledging your existence anyway, based on what others have said: a response is all we needed! it could be from anyone!! I am sorry for the complaints that i may have had once or twice, and im glad to know there is still stuff happening in the background ^^

Lore(wip) - Templates(wip) - Fr - PCE

Check out my Free Puppery! (On break)

15 hours ago
The Beastly
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Thank you! I would love to get further communication from the devs. Maybe some peeks to keep us engaged, or just periodic messages that things are still going on? That's really what would save Lorwolf. All we need to stay alive as a community is to know that we did not waste our time and energy on a game that's being abandoned. I can understand, of course, if things aren't going well in the background.

11 hours ago
The Firstborn
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Thank you for finally saying something!
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