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15 hours ago
The Dogged
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I’m still here

Hello Lorfolk. I understand that the silence has caused a lot of upset and concern about the future of Lorwolf, I wanted to pop in to assure you all that chapter 2 development is still ongoing, albeit at a slower pace as our team has shrunk over the past few months. The radio silence is entirely my fault, and I would ask that you not target other members of our team about development questions or concerns. The rest of the team is made up of our amazing moderators and artists, who are not privy to any of our developmental plans. As of now, it is my goal to remain quiet whilst I focus on the development side of things. These past few months I have spent painting all of the new campaign backgrounds, which I’m pleased to say are finally finished. I understand that this has caused a lot of upset and concern amongst our players, and I have no excuse for this other than to say I am human and it is hard for me to find the motivation to respond to users while faced with constant negativity and attacks on my character, not just through the forums but support tickets and other means. Many have accused us of being a greedy corporation, when it is literally just my husband and I and our love for indie game dev. Lorwolf has never been about money, we do not earn enough through Lorwolf to support ourselves financially, most of any money made going directly back into the art assets, site hosting and upkeep. We started this little indie company because it was our dream to build something like this together and hopefully spread some joy in our little corner of the petsite world. Again, I am very sorry if I have let some of our community down. I am doing my best and will continue to do so. To those of you who have supported us through the years I am eternally grateful.



15 hours ago
The Efficient
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This is truly a sad sad day.

15 hours ago
The Slayer
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Good luck, and thanks for LorWolf.

15 hours ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! This is exactly what we needed to keep us going. I am sorry if we seemed abrasive in our questions, and hope we can move forward from that. Thank you for everything you have done and continue to do!!!

15 hours ago
The Trailblazer
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All we want is communication. If you're feeling under the weather, we understand! We just need you (or someone) to tell us! Help us help you! There's no reason for you to shoulder all of this alone.

14 hours ago
The Apprentice
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Hey I'm personally really happy to get an amount of communication! As someone who occasionally has trouble expressing myself due to being autistic + sometimes a bit nonverbal, I totally understand that it can be difficult to keep up with communication when it's a very small staff team. It's really nice to hear from the staff though, and I'm glad there's been development on the game in the background even without anything front-facing to show for it right now. ;w; Thanks for saying something, it's much appreciated, and Moonsblessings to you as well!


14 hours ago
arena bot probably
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As someone who has a very avoidant personality, I do understand how the negativity can make it difficult to be present. But I'm sorry this isn't a good look to phrase it the way you did.

The way this is phrased makes it sound like it's the players who are expressing their upset and frustration over the continued lack of communication is who is at fault that you're not more open to communication. I'm sorry but I really feel that the overall playerbase has been extremely generous and forgiving when it comes to the communication issues, and the pleasantries and kind words don't seem to doing much. We only get a response when people start to get upset and make topics and complain. This happened the first time you went silent, and it happened again.

Please, please, please. Consider that players would not be upset, would not be trying to post on your Kickstarter, would not be reaching out to other members of staff if you simply didn't get the site to this state in the first place. If you just kept talking to the players, even if things weren't ready to be released or were going to be delayed, we probably wouldn't be here!

There are small sites that function with a very small community of people but those people stick around because the devs are still communicating. Lorwolf could have that small group of people willing to wait as long as it takes to put out content but YOU have to be responsible and give your players the communication that they deserve.

14 hours ago
The Pickiest
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Thanks for the update, Alaunis! I can't wait to see what comes in the next updates and look forward to chapter 2! Would love to get some sneak previews as a little treat to tide us over? 👀 But I'm happy just knowing there's more to look forward to <3

14 hours ago
The Merciless
He / They
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It's nice to see you're still well and kicking, but instead of leaving us in the dark, just a simple "Hey, things are being worked on slowly, here's a small preview of what is being done" would've been better than leaving us with radio silence for nearly 6 months. The silence screamed "I don't care about you or the site." I get that communication can be hard, but letting the community know that you're still around is far better than nothing and it would help in silencing the negativity, since we'd know you still care.
14 hours ago
The Companion
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It happens. People get it. And I imagine it's hard to feel like sharing stuff when you also want to keep it a surprise. If it helps, I don't think most people want any big updates all the time or anything. We just wanna know you guys are still there and alive, working on things, keeping your heads above water, all that. And that you care about making this game the best it can be. A little slowness isn't a big deal, as long as we're sure the site is still being cared for. That's the main concern. We don't want this site to die any more than you do.

I think the biggest concerns would be alleviated if you could find just a few minutes here and there to acknowledge bugs and other issues. Just to show you care, you listen, and you see that people are having problems. I know you can't get out fixes for most things immediately. It's rough! But the reasonable people aren't asking for that. We just wanna know you saw it and will try to get to fixing it when you can.

I don't know if any of that will help. But I hope you guys can remember to take a breather when you need it, and try to not take all the over the top nonsense too seriously. A lot of us are frustrated, but we don't hate you. Or we'd be gone. Keep taking care of yourselves. Keep up your steady progress. It'll get easier. Good luck.


14 hours ago
The Giant Slayer
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Criticism can be really, really hard to deal with. So I will not offer any in this post.

Thank you for posting anything.

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