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16 hours ago
Riley Volmyr
The Focused
132 Achievements
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WoF idea I had

So, I was thinking about WoF this morning, when I got a thought/idea. So, let's talk about Sunny. We all know Sunny's dad is Stonemover, and is related to none other Darkstalker. Now, we all know Darkstalker's a hybrid between Nightwings, and Icewings, and how he has royal Icewing blood in him, and since he's related to Stonemover, wouldn't that mean that Stonemover has royal Icewing blood, AND passed it down to Sunny? And since Sunny's mom is Queen Thorn, and she's an only child, doesn't that mean she has to be the next Sandwing Queen, BUT, she also has royal Icewing blood in her, passed down from Darkstalker who's father is Prince Arctic? So, sunny is technically a thirdbrid between Icewings, Sandwings, and Nightwings, having BOTH royal Icewing, and royal Sandwing blood in her, plus the fact one of her dragonettes could possibly be an animus? I don't know if this changes a lot of things in the community, I could just be looking to far into this, let me know your thoughts.


~The Volmyr lover~

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