Attention: Mining Mayhem has begun!
23 hours ago
Hi! Getting started --

I'm from flightrising and I also happen to be an artist on FR.

Ive noticed some similarities and differences; but a sort of lack on how exactly to get started after breeding my wolves. I went ahead and started the campaign in hopes to gather resources.

How does one acquire cosmetics and materials? I assume through the various mining/fishing etc tasks? Besides that, any helpful tips/tricks you all would like to bestow? thanks!

23 hours ago
tltr; How to navigate the site better? :)
22 hours ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
talk to me im lonely
194 Achievements
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Arena Rank 2
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Crafting Rank 2
Fishing Rank 1

You can buy apparel (what we call cosmetics) in the Mole Market and Flea Market. You can also craft apparel using materials you get while exploring in campaign, but you need recipes first, which you can acquire through the Mole Market and weekly activities.

I would recommend going to your ‘Achievements’ tab and working through the starter achievements to help you get an idea of how the site works.

As for navigation, it honestly just takes time. Give it a few days and you’ll eventually fall into the swing of things! You can send me a message if you have any questions :3


21 hours ago
The Gardener
359 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 24
Forum Comments: 255
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 2
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 3
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 2

Welcome to LW! Seconding Lunar Howler's advice to start with the starter achievements (under the Den dropdown), it helps with a lot of the basics. The mole market (site market) and flea market (player to player market), and the weekly event store are all under the shop dropdown. The professions are a good way to gather resources, and some can be found in the mole market as well. The mole market also gives you a random free item every so often (I forget exactly how long it is, it's every hour or 2 when the market cycles to new items), the button is to the left under Marvin.

For breeding, it works kinda like FR except it has to be done from the wolf page, not the nest. The breeding button is under the bloodline details on the right of the wolf's page, and will open a page with a list of all the options to breed with that wolf. You can preview potential pups from that page. You can also preview pairs on the Demo page (also under Den dropdown, similar to the scrying workshop on FR). Both options will also say if the wolves are too closely related to breed.

If you don't have wolves that you like together, the flea market also offers the options to stud wolves, allowing players to breed wolves without sending them to each other. Only male wolves can be offered as studs, so they're only useful if you have a female in need of a mate, but still pretty useful! Male progens can't be offered as studs, but female progens can still be bred using a stud.

For cosmetics, custom apparel is also an option (under Shop dropdown), that's the user made apparel.

For general advice, I'd recommend looking through the game guides forum, there's several useful guides depending on what you're interested in doing! One really helpful one is Lady Rainicorn's Cooking Guide, which explains how to cook various recipes. Crafting recipes have to be bought, but cookings ones are discovered by adding different ingredients.

Also, you can do every pack's campaign! It doesn't actually switch what pack you're in, doing all 4 campaigns just opens up all the areas for you to go back to.

If you have any other specific questions, feel free to reach out! Also, if you run out of food, feel free to reach out - I run a free food thread and am happy to help! :)


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21 hours ago
Thank you! You're both extremely helpful :D
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