Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
11 days ago
The Watcher
364 Achievements
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Is it really too much to ask for a simple "Hi, there's a lot going on lately. We won't be updating the site any time soon"? That would at least be something and takes only like a minute or so. We don't need pages long explanations, but just a little something on-site would be appreciated.

Considering the comments on Kickstarter, I'm honestly considering whether to still log in or not. I've had fun with Lorwolf, even if I'm not as active as on other pet sites. But I like the daily things we can do here. I like my wolves. I like the seasonal events. In hindsight, I'm glad I stopped my subscription early on, or else I would probably regret having spent money on this site. If the site does come back, I'd be happy, but I'm not sure if I could trust staff to not just do the same again after a couple of months. Trust has been broken, and Bashful Games' reputation is pretty much tainted through this too.

It's fine if things turned out to be too much to handle. Having a successful pet site IS a lot of work. But letting it end like this? I doubt there'll be many users left at this point. Even if chapter 2 releases and all, I don't think it'll ever get back to what it once was. What a shame.

EDIT: I only just saw the announcement, so I guess I might have posted a bit too early here oops. I am glad we got some news, but I wonder if I'll keep motivation up to stay here. I guess I'll see how things will go over the next months.
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