Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
12 days ago
The Giant Slayer
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no one should feel silly for supporting the site monetarily at any point, (perhaps besides now onwards) you couldn’t have known.
12 days ago
The Tryhard
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After reading that 'radio silence won't be changing anytime soon' from site owner on the Kickstarter page I just canceled my sub of a year and a half and definitely no more extra moonstone purchases either. (I wonder if this thread will get deleted soon.)
12 days ago
The Wanderer
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I am usually not one to get angry, or go on rants, but this one had to be:

(Alaunis has answered. But one final question still remains: Why?)

(I will update this post if there is more to update)

12 days ago
The Lurking
hopeful wolf
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thanks for speaking up, i just need time to process tbh
12 days ago
The Golden
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Personally, I'd accept an apology and an explanation if Alaunis cared to give one. Otherwise, I'm probably not going to log in again. I commented on a post not long ago that said the game we have is the game we have, and that I was okay with it. But this kind of crosses a line. She basically stated she doesn't care how we feel. Fair enough. I don't have to log in. I gave the game the benefit of the doubt for a long time. That was undone with that one post.
12 days ago
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This is just.. wow.

To have that much hatred towards your own player base that you basically tell one of your backers that outright [only backers can comment on KS so...].

What did we ever do to you, A?
12 days ago
The Helpful
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Wow. That response on KS is unbelievable.

This game used to be such an amazing comfort, but knowing that no one really cares is... not great. The fact that multiple devs have been pinged here as well and STILL no response.

This sucks. This is completely erasing any hope I had left for the game. Don't see much reason to keep logging on, and I bet a lot of people (not just the ones commenting here) feel the same way.

I wonder if they'll keep the radio silence when they've lost 90% of their players.

12 days ago
The Beastly
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This is a shame. This game had such potential to be wonderful and even managed to develop a community. What is killing it is the lack of updates. The devs need to say at least something, especially after this. I know I'm not spending any money on this game if its not getting a single update.

All I really do nowadays is enter pageants, sometimes make CA and use the MS from that to make or buy more CA. This isn't even possible if the game is dead and everybody jumps ship. The devs need to say at least something before they end up with a couple of people playing and no community left to even make it worthwhile. Right now there's still people here and things to do. There won't be forever. Devs, come on. Please say at least something. Give us something, even something small. What happened to the roadmaps?!


12 days ago
The Mimic
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Seeing the KS interaction was disappointing. I want to say this now, just for clarity and transparency:

I think I began my subscription back in the second week following the open registration. I poured a lot of money, time, and dedication into my account and genuinely want to see the site thrive. I created guides and bug reports, suggestions and bug workarounds, attempted to rekindle old forum games, all for the sake of boosting engagement and making the site for fun for others and myself.

I am not leaving LW, but as of today I am canceling my subscription. Things could have been handled a lot better in the interactions, but the users are frustrated. If the staff is burnt out or currently privately discussing things, a small word or note would mean the world to everyone. I want everyone to have a pleasant experience on LW, but even as someone who has put so much faith and trust and effort into this game, this was incredibly disheartening to see.

I wish everyone well moving forward, and I hope to see the site make a comeback at some point in the future. If it is a matter of muse, I hope that passion returns. If it is a matter of time, I hope schedules open up. If it is a matter of money, well. . . A sale or something would have been a good idea. Maybe posting a fundraiser once communication has been established and concerns addressed? As it stands, it seems I'm not alone in feeling uncomfortable providing any additional monetary support to the site unless changes are made.

We are still here because we care. We like the site, we love our wolves. If help is needed, it has to be asked for or made apparent. It may seem daunting to deal with rising tensions, but there are many who would like to help to keep the game alive and running. Constructive criticisms and genuine concerns are not attacks, and while again, frustrations are high and feelings of mistrust are valid, hostility towards staff will not bring forth positive change. As disappointed as I am, I know there are still two sides to this situation, and there may be something we as players are not aware of that has led to delays and silence. But the staff have to acknowledge that imposing continued silence will only hurt rather than help things in the long run.

And please be patient with our community mods and managers. I don't mean to speculate, but I am sure that in their case they may not be allowed to respond to certain things for the time being.

That all being said, I will continue to update my own guides and interact with others on the forums or Discord. I am sad to cancel my membership, and the state of the game and the state of things has really ramped up my anxiety. LW is my biggest hyperfixation and comfort right now. I do not say these things or cancel my membership lightly. I will be happy to renew it in the future if things are mended, but at this point I don't know what that would look like.

11 days ago
The Apprentice
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Well, this is really disheartening to hear, admittedly. :( I think this game is genuinely fun; if they would upkeep it at all or communicate, this could've really been something quite special. A lot of the base content has really solid ideas put into it, but if they don't care about it anymore, that's just sad honestly. I don't understand the refusal to sell it off to someone else who would be more motivated to continue working on the game, if they are indeed burned out with running it? If that's not the case, as we don't know anything unless they communicate with us, then why not at least give us something small to work off of? :( That's so disappointing honestly. :/


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