Attention: Mining Mayhem has begun!
4 days ago
The Weaver
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I've loved this place since I joined.
I always will.
I agree, this quiet is... unsettling


I want more pineapples

4 days ago
The Burnt Out
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yeah id love to hear anything from the devs at least once a month. just a check in - hey were still working on xyz... just any kind of communication at all would be great

4 days ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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This site's comms have always been MASSIVELY disappointing, it's the thing they need to improve on the most. :/

Secondarily, sites like these live and die on relatively frequent, small updates-- like the valentines day rotation of little items that blew by without fanfare this year. Not every update needs to be massive, but the players need to KNOW and see that the devs care about the site, and that they are working on it behind the scenes at all.

I posed a question last year about marking releases and if they were always going to be tied to breed releases exclusively because we hadn't got any new ones since beta; I was assured that was not going to be the case, and yet despite there being a massive amount of even very simple, basic marking styles (as seen by people having to resort to CA to get new markings) that would add a huge flush of life to the breeding part of the game with even a handful of releases a year, we have had... only fawn release without a breed release (leopard came with Dires). Which is a lovely marking set, but that's really it? For a breeding sim?

Is there a problem caused by allowing CA markings? Are the devs concerned players will accuse them of copying their fan made markings, despite most of the natural ones just being from existing animals like our current sets? Do we need communication about this too?

Guilds are exciting and I'm glad they are being worked on, but people need more than one post a year about what the heck is even going on.

4 days ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
talk to me im lonely
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I joined this game about a year ago and have loved every part of it, but I agree with you guys. The lack of communication really makes the site feel... abandoned. I looked through the old dev reports a while back and feel like those small reports really helped us! Just telling us some bug fixes, what's been added and removed, small stuff like that. I've seen one or two Lorwolf memes pop up- maybe make a post about one of those! Anything to let us know you guys are still present.

edit: Plus, have you guys seen the player count? From what I know, the player number indicates how many people there are. We're up to the 15000s- and the most I've seen online? 600, averaging 100-200 on a daily basis. I know a lot of players have quit but still... those numbers are astronomically different.


3 days ago
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My hope for this site lies in whether or not this gets addressed. If we somehow make it all the way to April when the next major event starts, get new apparel, and still have no acknowledgement on this, I will know for a fact that LW is done for. There is very little care or consideration for users. If you have the time and energy to go through coding new apparel, you have the time and energy to come onto this thread and leave a single "We hear you". IT'S TEXT. Text is easier than drawing and coding!!!

The site looks and feels abandoned. Knowing someone is there, updating behind the scenes, and STILL ignoring us will be too much for me.

I'm ashamed to have spent so much money on a site that can't even acknowledge its userbase any more. I'm frustrated, and honestly? I'm not even worried about being banned, because who's actually gonna read this? Only the few other LW players out there. I have 0 confidence the devs will read this. I don't even think Quiche will.

Why maintain a site that clearly doesn't bring you joy? Money? Obligation to kickstarter backers, most of which who are probably long gone by this point?

I've lost any and all passion for the site. I'm only showing up still because I'm waiting for a CA to get approved. Will it? I'm starting to doubt that too.


3 days ago
The Lurking
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I would also like to add my voice in with everyone else's as I share a lot of the concerns and worries of my fellow players!

Loved this game since I discovered it and joined the moment I could, I even signed up for the subscription like right away, and spent months attempting to get all the neat ks stuff I missed. I love the community and friends I have gained here, I enjoy most of the mechanics of the game. And really am interested in seeing how the story progresses, and what new and exciting things will come in the future. I appreciate the hard work, and the behind the scenes work the devs do for us!

That being said, I have also grown worried. With no real words/ updates besides copied and pasted ones from the weekly changes, and no returned items/ new items for valentines day I can't help but feel worried. Just as everyone else has stated perfectly above me, even small gestures/ updates would do SO MUCH to elevate some of those anxieties and worries.

I look at the lore I want to write, and get worried it might be for not, and become anxious and find my creative juices freezing before I even being put them to words.

I will remain because I carry hope, and I do love this game but a pleading howl from your community to just give us even just a distant reply would do wonders <3


Adopt one today!

'Dreams like the memories once borne on the wind'

3 days ago
The Exhausted
I need more coffee.
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(Everyone's already said what I was going to, but more eloquently. lol)

I wholly share this sentiment of Demon's, though. <3

I will remain because I carry hope, and I do love this game but a pleading howl from your community to just give us even just a distant reply would do wonders <3

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+0 ★ Ping @27 ★
3 days ago
The Boneweaver
Feather Enthusiast
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I think the silence is my biggest point as well. I understand the team is busy with chapter two and Quiche is swamped with the CA queue and other things as well, but the silence is starting to stretch and it is definitely beginning to wear on your playerbase in a negative way. We don't need you to drop 10 genes immediately, we just want to hear from you! Talk to us!

To help with this, I would suggest bringing one or two more people on board to engage with the community on your behalf: Play some forum games, ask about people's wolves, chat, etc. - it would boost activity and then the core dev team can continue to work on updates undisturbed.

I would also hope for at least the apparel bug to get fixed, where sometimes wolves' apparel will not copy to clipboard, making it that much harder to show them off. That is the main way to generate hype and interest in the game to attract new players and to keep the current playerbase interested ("look at this neat wolf I made!" - "oh, I want one like that, I'll have to start grinding for the apparel!").

We who remain really want to see this site work. New and even some old people will come/come back in time once the site stabilises. You have a pretty dedicated community at your hands waiting for crumbs and with a little bit of engagement, this could be such a great site! Please, please, PLEASE reach out to us for some help and let's make Lorwolf take off together! For example, I would be happy to help out with art, especially genes, or the community engagement like I mentioned above, -- but I know there are a bunch of others who could lend a hand anywhere as well! Be it with the community, art, coding, some quality of life suggestions (like being able to hit Enter to search), etc.

We want this site to stick around for years, let's make it happen together!


3 days ago
The Curious
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I agree with everything that's been said! We don't even need content added, we just need to know that things are being worked on, or that the devs are even still around.
3 days ago
The Helpful
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Adding another comment- I think Starcrow makes a really good suggestion with bringing another staff member on solely for communicating with the community. I know tons of people here (including me) would love to do a job like that, to break the silence.

I think the staff needs to do this or just work on making themselves communicate better.

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