Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
1 days ago
The Mimic
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Manage Auto Feed - Advanced Settings, QoL

I know this is going to be a highly specific suggestion that not many people may feel any particular way about, but it's been proving to be a prevalent enough issue of mine that I wanted to toss this out here. . .

I am humbly begging the staff and developer team to implement some advanced settings in the Manage Auto Feed section of the Den's Actions widget. As it stands, we can control what foods go into AF (Auto Feed), which is awesome! However, I see areas where it could be improved:

1) Don't automatically sort new foods into AF - A lot of users like collecting certain ingredients or food items, and not everyone (new users especially) will think to regularly check their AF to make sure that new food items aren't being, well, thrown to the wolves. I've seen a lot of people on and offsite lamenting their frogs or sharks or what have you after new food items were made available or new fishing locations opened up to them. Others may be consistently running out of ingredients for cooking if they're still trying to discover all of the recipes and not having enough ingredients while perhaps not knowing what all is required or where to gather these food items can make it difficult for people to complete their cooking recipe collections if most everything is being fed to their wolves by default.

Obviously, this can be remedied simply by remembering to visit your AF page and disabling the option on individual food items, but again, not everyone may think to check it, or may not know it's there at all. It took me an admittedly embarrassing amount of time to realize it was even an option.

2) Mass-select food items to disable/enable AF - Instead of hovering over each individual item, allowing an edit feature to check items and change their status would save some time and allow for easier management in one go.

3) Show food quantities in AF - This is a big one for me. I would really like to see how many of an item I have when sorting my AF foods. It would make it easier to see what ingredients I can prioritize while feeding and what ones I need to save. Otherwise, I have to keep swapping between browser tabs or use a split screen that can take my focus off idle Gauntlet grinding or keeping tabs on Profession timers. That, and it's just a pain on mobile trying to remember what foods I have a lot of due to the increased tediousness of swapping between mobile browser tabs and the inevitable refreshing of pages every so often that can slow down the process further.

4) More evenly deplete enabled food - The fact that I can have several foods that award the same amount of stamina points, and have my wolves randomly decide that they only want to eat one while largely or entirely neglecting the others, frustrates me to no end. A silly nitpick perhaps, but I would much prefer if they would start eating whatever item I have the most of. Obviously keep the system where they eat whatever awards the most points first but just change it so that if I have thousands of walnuts, for example, they choose to eat those first instead of consuming all of my moths that I only have a fraction of by comparison. In the event multiple items that replenish the same number of stamina points are to be chosen from by AF, the game's code can prioritize the lower ID number and move numerically through the foods as it evenly AFs them.

5) Advanced settings options to prevent food depletion - This is the biggest reason I made this thread. I would LOVE to have a feature that would allow us to set parameters for when foods could be automatically disabled to avoid completely running out. I have experienced countless instances of burning through stacks of 4-5k bugs, vegetables, or what have you in a matter of days because my wolves just wanted to eat one specific item instead of all the other options available to them. Allowing us to set range limits on individual food items will ensure we wouldn't run out of a certain food item if we forget to check our AF, or if we don't check it often enough should our wolves decide THAT THEY ONLY WANT TO EAT BUGS INSTEAD OF ALL THE FOOD I HAVE LOVINGLY AND PAINSTAKINGLY GROWN WITH MY OWN CURSOR AND WATER/COMPOST. Setting thresholds on individual food items would also allow us to keep lower quantities of things like cooked food recipes that may not be as plentiful from automatically being disabled. I want to set lower thresholds for these things (i.e., Disable AF when Bluefin Tuna Maki drops to QTY 10; Disable AF when Black Walnut drops to QTY 1,000).

I hope I explained my suggestions clearly enough, but I'm sorry if the thread comes across as being too wordy. And again, I know that these are going to be very specific suggestions that most people won't even think twice about, but seeing as how it bothers me often enough, I wanted to throw this out there. That's it. That's the post.

1 days ago
The Helpful
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I would LOVE all of these to be implemented - especially implementing a player set limit on certain foods. This has been a huge peeve of mine for ages!
1 days ago
The Mimic
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@TmstrBlmstr - Okay, cool! I was honestly worried I might be alone in wanting these things- OTL

1 days ago
The Forager
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I agree with all of these! I’m big on cooking but i like to keep a big stock on expensive foods to give people so I’ve had a lot of internal jokes about my wolves being ravenous all the time and having to be really well trained to be satisfied with the uncookable scraps i give them. In fact at some point I was having so many food troubles that i had to relent and give them cooked meats which I still wish I could put limits on.

All these changes would benefit me greatly and everyone else who isn’t as immersed in the cooking aspect of the game even more. Heck, I forget to fix my autofeed list sometimes, and I live and breathe food. You really can’t expect everyone else to remember to change it. And yes it also peeves me when wolves eat only one kind of food; I know its on my autofeed list but come on, those fish i have to manually go to the beginner pond for which only gives 10 tries per visit! Meat is easy to come by with so many sources but I want to keep some of the uncooked ingredients in case they’re needed for future recipes, I can’t just cook it all just so I have some to occasionally give out a full stack to those who could use it T-T


I love you. I want us both to eat well.

[Cooking recipe book on page broke, will fix soon!]

1 days ago
The Trailblazer
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I agree to all of these points as I've had the same issues, so full support!

20 hours ago
The Legion
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Massive support to all!

17 hours ago
The Tenacious
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You won't get any arguments against it from me, I love QoL & these ideas all make sense.

So throwing more support behind it.

13 hours ago
The Lurking
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Support! My wolves love my broccoli too much :'>
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