Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
1 days ago
The Pugilist
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5 digits WWs and more for FR gems

Looking to empty my entire den, other than my few keepers, for Flight Rising currency. I am super open to haggling or holds for any of these wolves, please just reach out to me here or in PMs. All of these wolves are unbred, most are 5 digits and the rest I just think are pretty. They may eventually be put onto the flea market if they don't sell here but I would prefer a cross-site exchange.

My FR username is Abundance. If you want to make a trade, message or PM me here and send me a 1-way CR on Flight Rising. Please include that you are coming from Lorwolf, your Lorwolf username, and what you are trading for in the CR message, per Flight Rising's cross-site trading rules. Thank you so much!

5 digit den here

IDs in the 20,000 - 30,000 range are 350g
IDs in the 30,000 - 50,000 range are 300g

IDs in the 50,000 - 99,999 range are 250g

Exceptions: Any doubles are 500g

The rest of the for sale wolves are here

All of these are 400g by default, other than Lavender who is 1kg. But I am open to any offer, just not sure what to price them currently.

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