Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
16 hours ago
The Companion
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Throw away copper and iron or keep?

So, I know next to nothing about the best efficiency things you can do so I thought I would bother asking: when mining, is it worth it to throw away copper and iron and other low-level metals in favor of higher value ones? Like is it worth it to have an entire cart of silver in favor of throwing out all your iron and copper


16 hours ago
The Boneweaver
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Dropping consistently is a lot of upkeep, because copper only stops appearing very late into the mines, and iron even later (which... should not be the case, but that's another can of worms). Generally speaking, rarer materials do give you more xp when you smelt, but it's only worth it if you remember to check your cart regularly and have the time/energy to be nitpicky, or want to save wheel durability and stamina and not make as many trips. (Side note: once you get the enchanted pickaxe equipped on your miner, trips won't consume stamina anymore, so that's always worth working towards! It's a bit of a process, though.)

And then there is the complete flip side where breaking picks and wheels progress two achievements, so people trying to grind those will always be looking for copper equipment because it breaks the fastest. You could probably sell quite a bit of your copper and iron (or better yet, craft the picks/wheels yourself to either grind your own achievements or sell the processed materials), especially in the beginning, and then start dropping it later when you're tired of running back and forth all the time.


15 hours ago
The Tenacious
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When I was in the lower levels, when weaning off one metal onto a higher quality one-- to bridge the gap between quality of life (not babysitting the cart all day, which I don't got time to do) and getting the metals I wanted, I'd drop "excess" of the lower ore, so I only kept multiples of 5. It's still some babysitting, but not like having to wait for every single one to be what you're really looking for.
You can still easily let that consume your time if you aren't irreverent enough about it, but it can easily work out if you aren't obsessive about xp/hour. Which... no reason to rush, deep deeps doesn't have anything the middle levels don't, and it still drops silver once you get there. :')
8 hours ago
The Achievement Hunter
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Honestly, I almost exclusively mine in the furthest two mines, so I drop all of my copper, iron, and silver. The other ores and gems are worth a lot more XP wise, and crafting with them rewards more XP and can yield profitable items you can then flip on the market or sell directly to the vendor.

That being said, if you're starting out and still trying to farm those achievements and increase your profession level, using a lot of iron and silver equipment right now can help tremendously. Don't stress over pricey grinding for the time being and just keep amassing those bars to make more picks and wheels.

Oh, also, it's worth mentioning that holding onto a few lower value ores once you do begin grinding for those higher value ores can help you work around a furnace bug. Whenever you smelt gems or shards, it causes your furnace to ignore stokes and consume five ores instead of four if the bar smelts after those items. You can fix this by babysitting the furnace and cart and dropping a low-level ore whenever a higher-value metal ore queues up next following a gem or shard. If you don't have the time or energy to babysit it, you can hold onto at least one single piece just in case you are left with four ores that aren't smelting in your cart whenever you come back to check it (another common product of this bug). Dropping that low-val piece will kickstart the furnace to begin smelting again.

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