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1 month ago
The Companion
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Level Dependant Stamina

Basically the title, I feel like the stamina level staying the same for more experienced wolves makes no sense. After all: they are more experienced so shouldn't they be able to fight/work for longer? If the stamina increased just a bit per level, it would be more worthwhile to level up everyone too, like fishing and mining and hunting wolves

just a little grievance I have with the stamina bar


1 month ago
The Mimic
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I wouldn't mind an increase. We would still be sinking more food, anyway. The only reasons I can think of that the staff may not want to implement this is that A) we could explore further or perform more stamina-dependent tasks without having to refill with food, and B) we would still be refilling their stamina at the same intervals as lower level wolves if we ran mixed level parties, rendering the differing stamina levels pointless in some cases.

But again, I feel like we could benefit from this. Even if they only increase it once a wolf is past level 10, for example (every 10 levels they get another 100 stamina, perhaps), I think this would be a nice update.

1 month ago
The Tenacious
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I'd much rather see something like this than the ill-planned "stamina rework", anyway. It will let folks that put effort into leveling their dogs benefit without sweeping the legs out from under new players and harming what little scraps of user retention we have.
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