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2 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
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The Silencing of Xanu [OPEN RP!]

(This is for the moderators) The Silencing is a sort of pack dictatorship RP, inspired by my interest in WWII and history in general. If at any point it becomes inappropriate for any reason, please tell me or take it down.

The Silencing

The pack of Xanu was hidden deep in the woods, surrounded on all sides by mountains. The only easy way out of this hollow was a narrow passage. Wolves used to go freely, visiting the Sanue Hollow and its pack. However, one day, the passage unexpectedly closed. Wolves on the outside tipped their heads in confusion as they saw the large rocks that had been rolled to block the path. Maybe it was an accident, they thought, or an infection that couldn't be allowed to spread. They waited, but for weeks it stayed closed. Rumors started to spread, rumors of an ambitious he-wolf known as Zoraan. "He trapped the others!" They would say. "We must help them!" But no help was ever sent.

Inside the barriers of Sanue Hollow, Zoraan had the Xanu pack in an iron grip. He had a squad of wolves most loyal to him around him at all times. No one was allowed to speak out. No one was allowed to leave. They tried, of course, but the mountains were harsh, and near no one survived. The tunnel was guarded. All who tried to escape mysteriously vanished, becoming nothing but screams and empty memories...

This is a free-to-join RP! I have a few roles set out, but feel free to do any :> You may play as many characters as you like! Simply state what they are and I will put it below.


Xanean (Loyalist):

Xanean (Rebel): Dawn by Lunar Howlers, Hurricane by Cybertronic AU

Xanean (Neutral):

Hunt Member:


Custom: Shade by Cybertronic AU

(Rebel) Dawn dipped her head as Zoraan spoke, standing atop a tall rock, surrounded by the Hunt, his personal guard. They snarled at the gathered pack, their coats shining while our were dull and matted. No one dared speak as Zoraan prowled above us, so small yet so terrifying. Dawn's head was dipped, eyes averted. She had the mask of an obedient Xanean, exactly as Zoraan wanted. And she was plotting to kill him.

Zoraan gazed around at the gathered wolves, his Hunt all around him. Look at these pathetic creatures... they needed a strong leader like him to beat them into shape. If that took a few deaths, so be it. They were weak anyway.

"From this day forward, no wolf is to be out past moonhigh. This is due to certain... troublemakers roaming around, attempting to commit treason. Now, there is something you all need to understand." His red eyes glinted. "This. Is. For. Your. Own. Good. I simply want what is best for all of you. It is dangerous at night, when the beasts come out. If you are caught out past moonhigh..." The Hunt's teeth glistened.

He scraped his claws across the stone, causing a screech. The gathered wolves flinched. He examined the sharpened points. "Well? Off to your work, I'm sure there's plenty to do!" They scattered like bugs under a lifted stone. Just as they should-- He speaks, they listen. Simple. But something caught his eye- a small gathering of wolves, speaking in tones too quiet to be heard. His lip curled. He would handle this. He stalked towards the group, tail swishing in anger.


black travelers cloaks 👹
2 months ago
Novak Cybertro
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
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Hello! May I join using Shade and Hurricane? I would like Shade to be a Hunt member who eventually becomes a rebel and I would like Hurricane to be a Rebel please!

[Hunt Member] Shade stalks through the shadows of the camp, a low growl echoing through his chest as he watched Zoraan. He wasn't afraid of him and he opted to guard him rather than guard the tunnels which he found pointless. Let the scumbags run. They'd freeze or be killed sooner or later. At least thats what he thought, but nevermind that. He observed the small group, glaring at them. *Hmm... They are troublesome and will get themselves killed. Not that I care but whatever.* He thought as he continued to observe them.

[Rebel] Hurricane had her head lowered slightly as she was right beside Dawn. She respected Dawn and in turn she wasn't afraid of Zoraan, despite how ruthless he might be. She herself was a brute when it came to battle but she had to keep the mask of an obedient Xanean until they were able to escape or kill Zoraan and his followers. Internally she was infuriated about this situation but outwardly she appeared calm and obedient.
2 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
call me Lunar!
200 Achievements
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Welcome @Cybertronic AU! I've put your roles on the board~ (Tell me if I need to keep pinging you btw-)
Dawn narrowed her eyes as Zoraan passed her, probably on his way to torment the small group. She shifted to see Hurricane and twitched her head, lip curled, silently asking her to follow. She began walking to her cave, ensuring she seemed unbothered, ordinary in any Hunt member's eyes, definitely not plotting a crime. Once inside, she whirled around to Hurricane. "We have to take action, and soon. He's taking over more and more, can't you see? We need to start picking off his Hunt members- they're the first step." She paused, eyeing Hurricane, awaiting her response.

Zoraans puffy tail swished, two of his Hunt members behind him. He padded to the group, eyes flashing with the threat of danger. The wolves hushed conversation cut short as the dark he-wolf approached, their eyes widening in fear. "Well, what are we doing over here? There are jobs to be done, work to be completed!" He sharpened his claws on the stone ground, one of the group flinching. "Best get to work now. We wouldn't want any... accidents, happening, would we?" There was cold threat lurking in his voice. "Go on now. Shoo shoo." The group scattered. His red eyes followed a certain one- one who hadn't been scared. It was a yellow he-wolf, who's eyes had flashed with defiance. He turned to his Hunt members. "Dispose of him. I don't care how." He said coldly, without tone. If another wolf had to vanish, so be it. They were irrelevant anyways.

black travelers cloaks 👹
2 months ago
Novak Cybertro
The Chatty
She/He On Hiatus
87 Achievements
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Thank you! I am subscribed to the thread now!! So you dont have to worry about pinging me!!

Shade simply observes before slinking after Zoraan. He slipped into the shadows his growling becoming nonexistant as he goes to follow out Zoraan's orders. He follows the yellow he-wolf into the tunnels, stalking him. Making small noises every now and again to scare the he-wolf into running.

Hurricane tilts her head and follows Dawn into her cave, quickly stopping as the she-wolf whirls around. "I agree." She replies, her voice holding a cold fury, like that of a mother who's lost her pups to a cruel he-wolf. She then adds. "I would very much like to see his throat ripped out for what he's done. To me and to many others." She says with a low growl, her tail swishing angrily behind her.

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