Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
18 hours ago
The Merciless
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Halloween Companions

So... uh... are those ever going to be removed from the shop? They've kinda been there for two months instead of the two weeks originally stated...

11 hours ago
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They still haven't even given us two of the four event backgrounds yet, half a year after they've happened. Backgrounds. Images that already exist that simply need to be sized to the wolves and have their silhouettes cut out. I wouldn't be surprised if those Halloween items stayed until February when the valentinesy stuff returns. If they even change it then.

Personally, I'd say don't get your hopes up for staff to properly change things in their given time allotment. They don't and they won't. They've left major issues and bugs untouched until less than a week before the events were through. Seasonal stuff stays there for months longer than expected. Things only get updated on the few occasions the devs actually look at their site. If me saying this bothers them, maybe they should change it and not get mad at me for saying this.

In case you can't tell, my sympathy for the devs is running dangerously thin. It's like they want the site to die with the severe lack of care.


10 hours ago
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i'd like to second everything in foxriddles' post. i don't think the companions being in the shop for an extended period is a big deal, but it falls squarely into an overall trend of appearing to be seriously neglected. from a general updates standpoint, the last patch notes were july 2024 (five months ago). as someone who's really enjoyed the game, all this has been disappointing.
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