Definitely trying to breed that purple/black onto the pups now XD
Definitely trying to breed that purple/black onto the pups now XD
@Frostine - Right? This is, what, the third purple dude I've introduced to the lineage? I'm gonna run out of festive purple names. . . XD
Nice!! Creeping even closer! Oh my gosh, could you imagine if our lineages ended up mixing at some point? That'd be cool!
Not sure how to layout a post since I'm just going a generation breeding but still letting RNG decide.
So far got Litter 1 and Litter 2.
Litter 1
Litter 2
I do have a Google Document just it's not very well laid out. Also I add the puppy predictions
@Frostine - Ah, gotcha. A lot of it is definitely going to be personal preference! When in doubt, just space some stuff out, center text, and make your titles big! X'D
Got the first 5. So there was those 2 then got these 3. Also had your situation XD chose 1 three times in a row. Was 4, 1, 1, 1, 4
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