selling all my CA, make me an offer.
looking for:
- moon stones/pebbles
- gems/treasure
- chicken smoothie c$, list pets
if you’d like to see how it looks on a wolf, i’m happy to add the ca to one of mine for display. have:
(in picture order: Call of the Constellation, Maple Breeze, Sundust, Orrin's Morpho, Moonlit Plumes, Shimmering Water Pelt, Moonlight Stroll x2, Autumn Harvest, Aurora Footsteps x2, Light Aura, Shallow Waves Shawl, Black Blaze and Stockings, Personal Tundra Dimension, Shimmering Rosewater Pelt, Galaxy Dreams, Gold's Touch, Blue Glitzglam x2, Ghostly Lights, Gold Glowing Pawpads, Gilded Moon Chain, Golden Shiny Bracelet, Mottled Celestial Piebald x2, Tears of the Ancient, Koi Pond, Silver Draped Strands)