Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
26 days ago
[H] Almost All My Stuff [W] FR, CS, Art, and More!

Haven't really had the time to participate or play Lorwolf.

This being the case; I'm entertaining offers on basically my entire account.

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7MS | 300k Pebbles

Zerda BC

Volmyr BC

Bracchus BC (KS) - Highly Tentative Offers

Totem of Whelping

Beta Tester Forum Banner

Beta Tester Forum Profile Picture

Bloodlust Forum Profile Picture (KS)

Enlightened Forum Profile Picture (KS)

Frostbitten Forum Profile Picture (KS)

Shrouded Forum Profile Picture (KS)

Kickstarter Forum Profile Picture (KS)

Holiday Snowcat (KS)

Vespen (KS)

Keboko (KS)

Simbur (KS)

Kickstarter Krane (KS)

Chiropta (KS)

Grimalkin (KS)

1st Anniversary Phoenix

Sleek Vortexcanis

Beta Tester Censor

Orrin's Mantle (KS) - Picky

Luana's Mantle (KS) - Picky

Elius' Mantle (KS)

Mika's Mantle (KS)

Elius' Boon

Wolves: (All are G2)

#19891 - Very Tentative





I'm not in a rush to trade off anything.
Bracchus Scroll is extremely tentative and may not be traded or sold.

Do not ask me what I want. Have an offer in mind that I can either accept or decline.

If offering art -> link examples | My characters are feral/anthro

If offering characters/umas -> only link what you'd actually trade

I do have an idea of how rare my KS stuff is. Do not attempt to scam me.


Art | Characters | CS UMA's (Wermz, Aeros, Vastrals, Tracker Dogs, Cozies, Beardogs, and more) | FR Gems | C$ | Moonstones | FR Eggs

26 days ago
The Weaver
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I don't think I have anything that you'd want, but how much would you be looking for for the Bracchus breed change?

And about you accepting art- what kind, what of, and how much? Because I know I can do art, but only animals and landscapes


I want more pineapples

25 days ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
talk to me im lonely
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Hello hello, I am offering art for the Volmyr breed change! (Examples:)

I mostly do headshots on digital and full bodies on traditional!


25 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
488 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5

I'm very interested in the companions as well as the other KS items! I'll begin by showing you my art and Toyhouse Trade/Sale folders just in case you see anything you like! (I've seriously got a few hundred OCs up for sale/trade right now. I normally don't take anything other than resales, but I'll make an exception for this.)

If none of that interests you, I'd also be willing to save up for the KS companions, at least, depending on how much you want for them. (I'm also interested in the Volmyr and Zerda breed changers!)

25 days ago
The Lone Wolf
354 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
Interested in the Bracchus scroll, I have 10k raw gems on FR, and CS profile here. :)
25 days ago
Bumping with a post update.

Thank you for your offers but they aren't what I am looking for at this time.

I'm going to think on your offer for a bit.
24 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
488 Achievements
Forum Rank 2
Forum Threads: 13
Forum Comments: 435
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5

Awesome! Just let me know whenever! No rush, of course. I also do customs and animations, yada yada yada.

I'm happy to give the following as sort of tentative starting offers:

  • Chiropta, Keboko, Simbur, and Vespen: $75 worth of characters/art each
  • Grimalkin, Holiday Snowcat, Kickstarter Krane: $150 worth of characters/art each
  • Golden Unicorn: $750 worth of characters/art
  • Zerda + Volmyr BC: $35 worth of characters/art total
  • TOTAL FOR ALL SO FAR: $1535 worth of characters/art

Again, I'd be willing to perhaps save up MS/Gems for the KS stuff, but it would be a long time going.

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