Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
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27 days ago
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[H] Lots [W] FR (flight rising)

I am looking to sell some of my wolves and items. I'll be looking at offers on all wolves. I don't use this site as much as I expected, and even though I still love a lot of my dogs, they may be better loved on another account. Even with that, though, I am going to be pretty patient with wolf sales, and some might be auctioned. For now, I will list what offers any have gotten below. I am not selling any CAs at the moment!

Rate: 1ms : 6g

My currency is 3,952 moonstones, and 7m pebbles.

For items, I have KS items - but I have plenty in stock.

(Mantles not shown, though I have a handful of each of those as well)

I also have an alpha tester crown and a golden unicorn.

Current offers on wolves:

27 days ago
The Boneweaver
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Hey hey! I would be super interested in him, her, and her, they'd all fit perfectly into my main WW den! I'm also eyeing the skull CA on this guy, as well as a Bracch scroll. Which of those would you be willing to sell/trade for at all (and if any of them, do you have any value ranges in mind)?

What kind of FR stuff are you looking for aaand would you be willing to do holds? With notn coming up, I could definitely grind out gems soon-ish, haha.

(I'll put my interest in the unicorn down as well, but I'm not sure I could meet any actual price on that. I haven't paid much attention to them on the market, but imagine they go for quite a bit?)


27 days ago
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(Oof I hope this pings, it's been too long since I've been in here.)
I am taking offers on them all, though some might need to be auctioned, particularly 7858, since I sprinkled them, and they are worth wildly different than whatever I bought them for. The other 2, I'm just taking offers. I am going to be slow to sell, though, unless I get an offer I absolutely can't turn down.

I'm just looking for gems right now c:
I also don't do holds, sorry :c

The Bracchus scroll I am looking for at least 50kg. The unicorn, I actually have no idea what it is worth OTL. I have been digging through my PMs trying to find where I bought it.

As for the skull - I'm not sure if I am willing to sell any CAs at the moment.

27 days ago
The Boneweaver
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Ah, yeah, that's valid. I think I'll check back after notn then and see what I have funds for c: Good luck in the meantime!

27 days ago
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@Starcrow Sounds good ^^
26 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
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Hey! I'm super interested in the Golden Unicorn! What would you be looking for for that, either in LW or FR currencies?
26 days ago
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I think I am looking for 120k ish? I'm not fully caught up on their prices ; n ;

26 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
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S'all good! 120,000k in which currency?
25 days ago
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@GraveGuardian FR gems. I'm having trouble finding any recent sales.
24 days ago
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24 days ago
The Achievement Hunter
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Ah, gotcha! Apparently someone had one listed/sold one for 75,000g recently. Other than that, I think people were equating them to 100,000g like the Light Sprite.

I may have to pass on that for the time being, but I wish you luck!

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