just about 30 minutes ago, 555555 was birthed! and I was one of the people gunning for it, I mean, my name is literally Fives, I have to. while I didn't get the big ticket I got 555558 and 555559! which I'm very happy with, some other IDs of note are 555533(accidental early litter xD), 555565 and 555566 (6/5 (june 5th) being my birthday, I'm happy about those 2!)
I also grabbed 555505 as a wild wolf earlier(like 3 hours ago, the ID was not moving very fast) since it was available and a pretty good grab for a wild wolf, and then rng gave me 55506(15 minutes later, to give you an ID of how slowly the ID was moving, and it took another 15-25 for the next wolf to pop up)
I'd love to see your hauls for this ID hunt!