((OoC: If this is not an open RP, ignore my post. xD)
The bright beams of the glorious sun rained down on a small curled up
creature sleeping on a rock protruding over a pristine pond. The rays catching and dancing off the bronzing metals that the little beast wore around his neck and forelegs. Soft greenish-blue fur gently swished in the breeze. A small splash. The Kit's ears gave a small twitch at the sound. The tip of his bushy tail, that was covering his nose, gave a little flit. He stirred, but only just, barely peeking open a pale pink eye to take in his surroundings. Nothing. Or, at least, nothing was all he could see perched up on the top of this boulder. His nose twitched as the wind switched directions and he caught the scent of another. A stranger. Even then, the Kit seemed aloof as he stretched out his body, rolling onto his side, and extended all four of his legs as far as they would go. His toes even joining in on this amazingly big stretch. After that he rolled onto his back, then back to his side, before slowly coming to a crouch. Slinking his way up the rock face he barely peeked his head over the craggy edge looking down into the water below. There, swimming contently in the water, was a pink and yellow Zerda with a Mymori gliding overhead. They didn't seem to notice him yet.
An almost mischievous grin spread across his maw as he watched the water ripple below. Shimmering blue fins danced briefly out of the water as if almost waving at him. His Aerofin friends were curious fish by nature, especially if they had never seen someone around before. Though, their playful demeanor could irk others, however the Kit found them endearing. Every once in awhile one of the glittering icy blue fish would jump out of the water, gliding a bit, before diving back beneath the glassy surface of the pond. They weren't being subtle, almost as if pointing out his hiding spot on the rock above to the stranger swimming. A silly little antic of theirs, no doubt, as if trying to get him to make friends. He shook his head. A nice gesture on the Aerofins part. Sadly, the Kit found it easier to make friends with animals rather than the wolves of Loria.