Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 month ago
The Playful
150 Achievements
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Hunting Rank 1
How sweet of you! Thank you so much for spreading such generosity, I don't have any pictures really but I'd say a happy story is being able to see my sister after years of separation. I finally was able to afford plane tickets to visit and even though it was just a couple of days it's one of my favorite memories <3
1 month ago
The Lone Wolf
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Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

Wow, what a nice thing to do. :) I am sorry you’re not feeling the best, hope your day/week gets better!

Happy story from me hmm. I finally moved out and into my partners apartment, he also let me take my cat despite not being a big fan of pets. They’re now besties haha. I love my new freedom and my partner. 💙

Here is a pic of my cat. His name is Little Man :3

1 month ago
The Lurking
Moose She/They
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I don't have a cute snuggly little kitty picture, but I do have a concerned and suspicious bunny I can share!

And a happy thing, I recently found out about this place in the town near me that has a thrift store specifically for craft supplies where most are pay-what-you-want, and the thrift store shares space with the local queer outreach nonprofit that hosts all the local pride fests, and a small artist collective. All things extremely relevant to my interests. :D I've been going there for their monthly get-togethers, and I'm working on putting together a cute little sewing project to teach at the thrift store. I've found my people!
1 month ago
The Giant Slayer
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Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yesterday I was disappointed and was running on 4 hours of sleep since I stayed up late and kept checking results, but I was still able to refocus and prioritize spending time outside, getting some exercise in, and having some quality time with friends. ❤️
1 month ago
The Trailblazer
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Mining Rank 5
Thank you for doing this! I'm going to bike another 30 kilometers today! Last night, I saw an owl.

1 month ago
267 Achievements
General Rank 4
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Arena Rank 4
Campaign Rank 3
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 2
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
Mining Rank 1

This is such a sweet, selfless idea!! A prompt to take a dedicated moment to think through all the best things in your life in the midst of such chaos is such a needed respite. Thank you so much for doing this :') <3

No matter what happens, I am just so incredibly thankful for what I have in life. My chosen family is my lifeline, and I cherish every moment spent with them. Among my chosen family are my fur babies; my corgi pup and my 5 kitties. They all have their own ways of showing their love and appreciation, so I'll share this more recent one. This is Basil - who always seems to be able to sense when I'm feeling down and in need of some emotional support. I collect plushies as a hobby, and will sometimes set them up for pictures just for fun or as a bit of a distraction to try to cheer myself up. This time though, perhaps realizing I was exceptionally down that night, Basil came in and posed himself perfectly in the lineup with them completely unprompted. He did it so matter-of-factly that I honestly could barely believe my eyes haha. He's a bit of a ham for the camera and a little attention hog, so he loves to use those attributes to his favor whenever he gets the chance, in case its not evident in the photo lol :')

1 month ago
83 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
I'm not the most joyous(?) person, but i hope some doggo pictures will spark you some joy!

I wish any of you reading this well!
1 month ago
The Determined
432 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3

It went longer than I said, sorry!!

I will close the thread now. I will reply and do draw later. :)


1 month ago
The Determined
432 Achievements
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General Rank 4
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Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 4
Cooking Rank 4
Crafting Rank 4
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3

Big thank you to all who join!! :)

@Nichie - Hehe that is so cute!! Lovely tree, lovely sweater.

@Starcrow - Wow!! Sounds lovely. Kittens are so cute. :)

@oopsiespooks - Yay!! It is very good news!! I am happy for you!! :) And Chester is so cute!!

@foxriddles - That is wow!! A new language is very hard to learn. Awesome!! Happy anniversary!! :)

@Lunar Howlers - What a story!! She is very cute!! She is lucky to have you. :)

@Silvershadow - Wow!! I relate. When I see snow for the first time I felt like a child again. :) It is pretty. Thank you for sharing!!

@Faia - I will watch soon!! I love that you find happiness in anime. :)

@Bluey - Tobey is so cute!!

@Phionite - Hehe that is cute!! I have to remember that. Good pun!! And Bartholomeow what a cat name!!

@Husky - That is big!! Way to go!!

@Duskfall - Me too!! I hope recovery is good and fast.

@Wildsinger - Thank you!! What a cute cat!!

@Stellori - He sounds very cute!!

@Nuhae - Yes I agree!! :)

@spoot - Yay!! That is lovely!! :)

@Bloodguile - Thank you!! Happiness for you too and lovely pup!!

@Birdsofwax - Yay!! :) A good feeling

@SovereignFives - Wow!! What pretty pictures!! Thank you

@pulchritude - Hehe!! Sugar sounds cute.

@Gaia - Thank you!! Cute doggy!!

@Grace - That is awesome!! I am happy for you. :)

@Eindride - Wow!! Way to go!! Your kitty is very cute!!

@ClockworkMoose - Cute bunny!! And yay that is awesome!! Lovely to meet people who share interest too :)

@Brunette - Yes!! That is important. :)

@Fangs - Wow that's a lot!! And an owl, so cool!! I have never seen a real owl

@Paradox - Hehe what a good photo! They know. :) I am happy you have lots of love!!

@Nul - So cute!!


Drawing 3 :)

Thank all for entering and sharing stories!! Stay healthy and keep going!!


1. @Brunette

2. @Stellori

3. @Bluey


1 month ago
112 Achievements
General Rank 1
Starter Rank 1
Campaign Rank 1
Cooking Rank 1
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1
grats to the winners and thank you for the opportunity, travelle!! wishing everyone here well <3

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