Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 month ago
The Determined
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Today is not the happiest day. I want to make it better.

I do not play anymore so I hope that what I collect can maybe help. :)

I will give a Bracchus Breed Changer to one person in this post.

To enter, post something happy. A story, a picture, anything!! :)

I will pick random tomorrow in 12 hour.

More giveaways come!!


1 month ago
The Hoarder
246 Achievements
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Happy story time for y'all.

This morning I took my dog out for her morning walk, it was super foggy and a bit rainy. There weren't many other people out today. I found a tree a few blocks away somebody had spent who knows how long, Knitting a sweater into a tree. It's just so silly and has filled me with glee in such a gloomy day. Pic of said Sweater tree attached.

My dog noticed it before I did and she started to bark at it haha. Like who knits a sweater onto a tree. It wasn't there a few days ago?! Just so silly to me haha


I'm an artist, feel free to DM for commissions :)

I really... REALLY like 💚 Green💚

I really like dinosaurs

1 month ago
The Boneweaver
Feather Enthusiast
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Mining Rank 3

oh my god?? What a fantastic thing to do, thank you so much!

The happiest thing that happened to me recently was my cat giving birth to a litter of adorable kittens! They're a little older by now and always walking around exploring everything, but when I sit down to watch TV or something, all of them come running over to sleep on me and it's the cutest thing <3

I've started sleeping on the couch a lot recently just because I don't want to wake them up, haha. So soft and warm, perfect for a nice autumn evening to get really comfy.


1 month ago
112 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 1

this is a very thoughtful idea, and i wish good luck to everyone entering!! hoping all are taking care of themselves and loved ones in these tough times.

while my happy thing may not be big, my mental health has been on the mend. getting back into contact with old friends from my childhood as well as online ones i've not spoken with in a while has been very refreshing, and my partner and i have been able to spend more time together which has been helping a ton :D

as an extra: here's a picture of my cat, chester. he's my darling boy and a little yowler when he doesn't get enough pets <3


1 month ago
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Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 3

This is exceptionally generous, thank you.

My happy story is that after living in another country for over a year, I am finally fluent enough in the language to be able to converse with my husband's family. It's a big step for me, and it makes me happy to think of the progress I've made. We also have our anniversary this month, and that makes me happy too.


1 month ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
talk to me im lonely
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Entering this :3

My happy story is when we found one of my cats! We were about to go to BOA (Bands of America) and the directors heard meowing from the box truck. They opened the engine and saw a bedraggled little black cat stuck in it. They tried to get her out but their hands were too big, so they had me come over and grab her scruff. She weighed nothing. My mom made me give her to the percussion director and I guess he wasn’t used to cats cause he accidentally dropped her and she RAN. She BOOKED IT away, and I was really sad cause I love black cats. Anyways, the middle school director found her stuck in a box on campus 💀 So my dad came and got her, and then we went to BOA for two days and I was really excited to get home. We got home and there she was, a little tiny thing, no older than 1 or 2 months. We actually didn’t know her gender for a while and I wanted to name her Topaz, but was outvoted so we went with Hazel. She is now over a year old and the happiest feisty chunky cat EVER!


1 month ago
The Weaver
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I don't have any pictures to share. I play on a Mac and I can't take pictures on it :,)

I'll go ahead and tell you about something that happened to me last night that made me happy. I hope it might make you happy too.

My brother and I are members of a robotics team. Our team's been around for about three or four months, I think.
Inside of our team, some of us have little friend groups. I'm sort of part of one of them. Everyone in that group is so chaotic, and it makes me so happy every time I see them.
Yesterday was our last meeting before the team's first kind-of competition. I was very stressed and annoyed at everyone. By the end my eyes hurt from glaring at everything the whole time.
At the end, we went outside to go home. It was snowing. One of the girls from the little group I'm sort of in just moved here from Florida. For a minute, I didn't understand why she was excited- until she told me this was the first time she'd ever seen snow. I don't know why that hit me so hard(I'm literally crying right now. What is going on?) but that moment just felt so wonderful and magical to me.
I think since I have known snow my entire life, I've never fully appreciated it.
But, because of her, I can see it a different way- not just something sparkly, cold, and wet, but something beautiful. Something that will be gone one day, but will always return.

I know I'm highly unlikely to win this giveaway. But I don't mind; I'll be happy for whoever does.
I'm sorry this day isn't so great for you. I hope my silly story about snow and robotics makes you feel better.
Sorry for the weird poetic stuff at the end, I entered my writer's mind again ;-; that happens so much lol

I hope this thread makes the rest of your day better. Thank you for tolerating my sappy writing ^^


I want more pineapples

1 month ago
The Lurking
450 Achievements
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Mining Rank 4

Spreading happiness is always a worthwhile cause. Here's my little weeb happiness: I love Trafalgar Law from One Piece, ok well his Japanese voice actor. Anyway, here's a music video I found that makes me really happy. (no adult themes, should be safe to watch anywhere) Between the upbeat music, and all of my favorite characters from that anime getting much deserved screentime, it's my go-to pick me up on a rough day. If you choose to watch it, I hope it helps.

1 month ago
The Bolt From the Blue
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Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 5

This is an incredibly kind thing to do right now. Thank you for the opportunity! Here’s a picture of my dog Tobey with his favorite toy. He’s 13 years old and has had since he was a puppy :)

1 month ago
The Wanderer
318 Achievements
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Hunting Rank 3
Mining Rank 3

First off, I think this is a lovely idea to spread some happiness. I've been smiling reading the stories and seeing the pictures everyone has posted. It made me think of positive things that happened to me and feel grateful for what I have in life.

Here's my little happy story:

Last week or so, I went to the fridge in the morning and there was a sticky note from my husband: You are one in a melon. Cheesy, I know. It gets better. I opened the fridge and there was a bowl of sliced up melon pieces ready for me to eat.

And another thing I just remembered: yesterday I met a cat named Bartholomeow XD

Hope you liked the puns

1 month ago
472 Achievements
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Fishing Rank 4
Hunting Rank 4
Mining Rank 5

Thank you so much for doing this! My happy story is boring but life-changing for me. I've spent 95% of my energy and free time over the last year+ figuring out what I want out of my career, planning how to get there, and implementing the steps. I'm thrilled that it's all paid off so far, I've secured some huge milestones and I'm on my way to where I want to be next year.

I hope that your day/week gets better. My journey had a lot of dark thoughts and doubts and I focused on the light at the end.

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