Attention: Crafting Caravan has begun!
4 months ago
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[Event] Proper compensation for mispriced event items

While I, and I think with me many others, appreciate the gesture of 1.1k Darkspine tickets as an apology for leaving such a jarring and impactful mistake in the event, unacknowledged and unaddressed, for over 90% of the duration of the event, I am sure for a lot of people it will not even come close to compensating them for the excess of tickets they have spent due to the misprice.

Especially considering the fact that for the full 28 days out of 31 there hasn't been a single acknowledgement or even sound from staff regarding this error, and most people will have bought their fair share of copies after 28 days, it is not just fair, but pretty necessary to ASAP reimburse those that bought companions any excess they paid due to the error in pricing. Not everyone meticulously remembers everything from previous events or perhaps they weren't even there during previous events, so without communication from staff it was incredibly easy to be unaware of the error (to be fair, due to the lack of acknowledgement even I had started to doubt whether it was an error) and with less than 3 days left for the event, there is nowhere near enough time (nor should it be the player's responsibility) to make up for it.

To be completely honest, considering how well previous errors/changes like this were handled, I am very surprised this time it was handled with a blanket apology gift without any tailored compensation/reimbursement.

(On as sidenote: I am not arguing this for me. Because I feared exactly something like this would happen, I waited until either the very last minute or until this bug was fixed - which was still very last minute - before buying my copies of the companions)


4 months ago
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Big support.

I am really concerning This problem might be showing 'LW staffs are onlooking problems.'- Would be impale the value of the game. I am not talking about the only the 'value', but also the efforts of the staffs'.

Staffs must give confidence to the users.

I can't adjudge events of the packs are quite comfortable or easy. As my experience, pack seasonal events require a lots of time and efforts of the users. Truly appreciate even tailored compensation- (Well, much more better than nothing.), but in my opinion- at least LW staff must inform about the 'Error' and 'please postpone familiar purchase' or Staff can pause the companion sale during correction- that might prevent problems.


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