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1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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1 month ago
The Tenacious
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I have
, unfortunately it's midnight top and not midnight base, but the eyes are sure orange. I don't really wanna sell her outright, but if you find something compelling with close-but-not-perfect eyes that she can be bred with, I am not against breeding her for some kinda kickback, since she's living in my "save for breeding projects" den.
1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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@Reave - OHHH, I can definitely pay 50,000p to borrow her and return her soon as I'm done! She would definitely bring me closer to breeding what I need.
1 month ago
The Tenacious
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I'd rather she didn't leave my den, but I'm happy to let you (or whoever if someone else lets ya borrow a boy) set up a stud to buy the breeding slot from off the FM & then send you allll the babies when they are born, just lemme know when you find someone for the project! I haven't been breeding her, so I'm also happy to just leave her breeding CDs all open for you. I don't mind repeated breedings either, I am happy to do that until you get what you're looking for.

I wish we were able to list Dams on the FM for "stud", and then have the game automatically dump the litters on whoever bought the service! :P
1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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@Reave - Ah, I'm sorry. I'm not looking to send any of my studs out to others for this project. The only two I have with really close eye colors I would prefer to keep to continue breeding myself just for security sake and peace of mind due to me having difficulty finding anything close. Thank you, though.
1 month ago
The Tenacious
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All good! I get it, I wish there was easier ways to help without having to give up the girls to someone else, cause that limits things soo much. It's not that I don't trust most players to be nice, but well... It's a huge pain the one time someone ain't!

If you want to go to the bother of adding another pair to your own project, there's a couple in the flea market right now that can produce orange eyes. I checked 'em and they can breed-- One's 5ms and the other is 100kp, so not a horrible deal.

There's this guy & this G2 progen pup if you wanna check em out -- wide range, but that is probably similar to whatcha got going on anyways-- if they are compatible with the pair you have right now, you might at least be able to get a narrower range pair from the 4.

1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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@Reave - I actually have a male with Saffron eyes, and I'm dreading trying to breed him with anyone, pfft! As for the G2 gal, I'm not really wanting to pay that much for a female with eyes that far off still, though I have seen her a few times. Looks like most of her value comes from her birthday, and I doubt I'd have any extra luck reselling her myself once I'm finished with my project, especially if she has a bunch of puppies since people seem to shy away from buying wolves with large litter lists.

I've got a few pairs that could get me REALLY close to my goal, if not hit it entirely, so unless I find more super close wolves in the FM, I may just stick with breeding the ones I have until I either get my goal pup or someone manages to beat me to it and is willing to sell. :'D

1 month ago
The Tenacious
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Fair enough! That was just all I could find, felt bad leaving you with no real options... Still did, but hey.
If I stumble across someone I can breed her madre to again (I released her dad a while ago, alas, and she can't breed with my jade-eyed guy) I'll breed 'em and see if I come up with another closer-to-orange eyed kid. If I can get something in the yellow range, which is my own dumb goal, I'm happy to keep that one and sell you the orange-eyed girl.

Good luck in the meantime! I hope you find something soon!
1 month ago
The Achievement Hunter
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@Reave - I'd really appreciate that! I could very well still be breeding for this project until then, pfft. I've got some yellow-range dudes, but aside from their dark bases, most of them have some whites and purples thrown in on the other gene slots, and I'm sure you're looking for something darker all over, yeah? Otherwise I'd trade you one!
1 month ago
The Tenacious
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Yeah, alas, I'm lookin' for some lil dark dudes. But I will keep an eye out, and if I find anything that might work for you too, I'll keep a hold of it and see if you want it before I release it. I shoulda waited 'til I got a couple more weird eye colors off that dude before I released him, but I was just thinking "Yipee, more event tickets!" at the time. Classic mistake, he becomes immediately useful right after.
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