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2 months ago
The Exhausted
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[Hunting] Reroll increasing counter x2 and taking x2 pebbles

The hunting reroll system has been behaving oddly since the update on the 1st. Today I actually remembered to sit down and get all the info on what's happening.

  • Description: It seems that every time you click Reroll, it actually happens twice. You're charged double the pebbles and the reroll counter goes up by 2, though it only shows it going up by one unless you refresh. This causes an error message if you try to reroll twice in a row.
  • Error Message: "Price mismatch, refresh and try again."
  • Browser/Device: Mobile chrome & desktop firefox

Here's a detailed sequence of events from my testing:

  • counter starts at 1000p 0/5
  • click reroll, success
    • [didn't think to check pebbles this time]

    • counter shows 2000p 1/5
      • [if open Hunting page in a new tab, shows 3000p 2/5]
    • click reroll on original (2000p 1/5) tab
      • "Price mismatch, refresh and try again."
      • does not reroll, [didn't think to check pebbles]
    • refresh, now shows 3000p 2/5
    • click reroll, success
      • pebbles actually decreased by 6000p
    • counter shows 4000p 3/5
      • [if open Hunting page in a new tab, shows 5000p 4/5]
    • click reroll on original (4000p 3/5) tab
      • "Price mismatch, refresh and try again."
      • does not reroll, no pebbles taken
    • refresh, now shows 5000p 4/5
    • click reroll, success
      • pebbles actually decreased by 10,000p
    • counter shows 5/5
    1 month ago
    The Achievement Hunter
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    I've been having this problem as well! D:

    Lore(wip) - Templates(wip) - Fr - PCE

    Check out my Free Puppery! (On break)

    1 month ago
    The Lurking
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    I've had the same problem, too! It happens on both mobile and desktop versions of the site for me.
    1 month ago
    The Achievement Hunter
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    I've been meaning to come and post about this myself. It's particularly frustrating due to the fact that I'm trying to finish my reroll achievement and it's been robbing me of turns and taking extra pebbles towards the tail end of the achievement. I'm gonna have to spend a handful of days just to finish it now instead of being able to wrap it up in one or two. I would have probably had it finished by now if it weren't for this glitch, which, like, isn't a huge complaint . . . but I'm also trying to roll more of those Monster ranked hunting trips for another achievement. . . :'D
    1 month ago
    The Exhausted
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    Still happening. Can also confirm now that the first reroll does indeed take 2000p from you instead of the 1000p it says it will.
    1 month ago
    The Achievement Hunter
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    Just bumping this again because it's still an issue. I would really like to have this ironed out soon, and I'm sure many others would as well. We only get so many rerolls per day, you know?

    1 month ago
    The Shiny
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    Bumping this because I made a thread about this exact same bug a few weeks ago, and nothing seems to have been done about it.
    1 month ago
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    I've had the same issue :<
    29 days ago
    The Companion
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    I have the same bug...

    Excuse my bad English but I'm French ^^'

    Pronouns : She / He

    I am not very active on the game. I mainly connect every 3 months for the clan festival. Outside of these periods, my playing time is zero or almost zero. For an urgent request, contact me on my FR account : Zoruna#321579. However, please do not contact me there for off-site trades, if I have not requested it, I do not accept it, unless I have requested it myself, thank you.

    28 days ago
    The Legion
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    I am experiencing this same bug. Not only is this annoying due to the fact that it is wasting our hard-earned pebbles, but with the hunting event this week and for some reason this reroll being limited at 5 (unlike other NPC pebble sinks, which simply cap out at the cost of 5k) and most hunts having impossible synergy combo requirements, it is making it a bit of a drag to participate in this week's event.

    Hopefully it can be fixed soon.


    28 days ago
    The Shiny
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    Bumping this, because I'm sick of the devs saying absolutely nothing about this bug.
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