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20 days ago
The Tryhard
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[Event] Add one seasonal activity reserved for activities completed

As the title says.

I think for the next cycle of packevents, there should be '1' seasonal activity that correlates to just completing activities, any activities. This activity should be present 24/7. It shouldn't randomly pop up, it should be there always.

Right now we have tickets for the campaign and arena so when people grind, they shuffle between one and the other.

A single activity that correlates to activities done would give a small passive boost to your ticket gain, that's true. Most importantly, people who log in and don't want to grind or can't, but can do the daily activities and then some more, will still get some tickets that way, even if the amount is little~

I think this may also help with event fatigue, as you can just shuffle your site activities to your normal routine and still contribute to event progression in some manner.

Those who grind out the campaign and arena will just get a bonus on top for say...every 10 activities done, so they will just see a slightly faster ticket accumulation than what was possible before.


Beep Boop

20 days ago
The Helpful
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Huge support! I think this would be pretty great!
20 days ago
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Full support! This would be very helpful for casual players like myself, and make the events feel less stressfull.
19 days ago
The Nimble
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I'm neutral on this suggestion. The Abundant activities is difficult for me to do in the weekly rotation when it does come up because there are so many tasks to do, and because it's so unfocused. I wouldn't be adverse to it, if it were in addition to the 6 tasks we already have, but I wouldn't want it to replace any of those tasks. It's difficult enough to line up three arena tasks, in a row or three campaign tasks in a row, and making it so there's a permanent task type that requires doing just tasks would make it more difficult and more likely to be bouncing between the two.

We also have all month to accumulate tickets for the items, and the pebble path gives a large chunk with doing the tasks. I'm not 100% sure we need to speed the event up, if we have this much time to get what we want, as everything's already out and available for collecting.
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
19 days ago
The Tryhard
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@Vissyn I'm coming from the approach that it should not replace any of the current tasks but be added to them as a 7th activity and stay there and refresh itself.

And this isn't about speeding the event up, but combating event fatigue by tossing people a bone for doing anything else on the site but the rinse-and-repeat arena and campaign grinding. Obviously, things progress faster if you do those two, but if people are tired of both, they can still lean on doing their normal LW activities and filling in the 7th participation activity to build up some completion for the pebble path.

While we do have a month to collect tickets, the pebble path isn't made to be completed in a week by a casual player. And playing the same thing over and over again for a week straight... isn't fun. I already started feeling the fatigue of the goldsea event before the first week of it even ended.


Beep Boop

19 days ago
The Nimble
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I’m still neutral. It’d be nice, but I feel the game is already pretty casual as is, even with the focus on mini arena and campaign.

It shouldn’t be on the game to manage any player’s individual burn out with an event that does last this long.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
19 days ago
The Tryhard
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That's fine~ But the game absolutely has to care about player burnout because players won't get burned out just doing what they want, and events incentivise certain behaviours that at first seem novel, later can lead to burnout.

People that get burned out don't play the game, and people that don't play the game...well that's not in Lorwolf's interest or healthy for the game or its community overall.

This suggestion though, is more of a bandaid for an event that simply runs for too long.


Beep Boop

19 days ago
The Nimble
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Lorwolf has fewer longer running major events. I think the longer events help with the fear of missing out that causes more game stress associated with shorter events. No one has to play for the duration of the event. The event pacing is fine and more geared towards the casual player than when they started. If they had a month long event every month I’d be more inclined to say it does cause issues.

I’d be fine if they added the permanent activity task, but it shouldn’t be because players aren’t pacing themselves. It should address balance of the event if it’s added.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
19 days ago
The Tryhard
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A third of the months in a year are allocated for pack events. That's a lot.

Stress usually comes from FOMO due to retiring items, which LW has thankfully moved away from and we'll be able to get the older items. Through what means yet, unsure.


Beep Boop

18 days ago
The Nimble
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Flight Rising also has a 3rd of the year, if not more as events too, that are shorter, and more frequent. Because there's only four packs, compared to Flight Rising's 11 Flights, there's more of a chance to really celebrate the pack event for the month.

Players complain about the lack of activity during the down time, and then also complain about having too much to do when the events are active. I think it's mostly a matter of pacing your progress where you can, so you (collectively, not you as an individual) aren't overwhelmed. The event has been carefully balanced and past events have been fixed when bugs have been found. I think the events themselves are fine to keep players playing steadily during events, and give them a rest afterwards once they've gotten the items the want.

This perspective is also coming from someone who's not overly active during non event months, as my work place is currently backed up like someone on a no fiber diet, so having the extra time to just mindlessly chill and click buttons and work towards pretty items is appreciated, rather than constantly missing out because I was too drained during an event to participate, or scambling due to a short time frame.
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
18 days ago
The Tryhard
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More like a quarter, but the short frequent distribution 'helps' keep things varied, even though the flight-rising system is still arguably abhorrent on the fomo. And while lorwolf did edit the events, they're not ideal yet, just slightly better than before.

But the complaints on nothing to do and having everything to do during events should warrant some other suggestion lol, it'll be too much for just this thread.

Ergo, which is why lorwolf should have some means to contribute to the pebble path, albeit at a reduced rate, by doing other activities than just the two which are encouraged by the event. People will feel less pressure to engage with a tiring activity if they know their progress won't be halted.


Beep Boop

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