Attention: Cooking Camp has begun!
2 months ago
The Watcher
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Mining Speed not accurate

I'm currently using a gold wheel while letting my wolf travel to the furnace. I noticed that the image does not accurately depict the actual speed. At times, the wolf will speed up for a second before slowing down again. It's not slow per se, but while it says the wolf still has about 120ft to go, the status is already at smelting. I'd have to check if the same happens with other wheels though, and I believe it only happens when traveling back to the furnace. (edit: It also happens when traveling to the Flourescent Fountain) But I can say that it definitely happens with the gold wheel. I already checked my internet connection and there's no issues with it. I'm not experiencing any other lags on the website either.

I'm using a Windows 11 computer and Firefox.

EDIT: I also made sure to keep the tab open and did not switch to a different tab or program because I know that can mess up with the speed, so it's not related to that either.

2 months ago
The Helpful
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I can second this - I don't use gold wheels but it happens when I use iron, silver, copper, and I think lorium? For me it mostly only happens travelling back to the furnace, but sometimes happens travelling to an area as well. Experienced on all areas besides the last one since I haven't unlocked that yet

I've used windows 11 chrome and edge and both seem to have this problem - also happens on mobile chrome!

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